The Front of the Dragons

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Terra went back to Gardenia for good. She didn't want to see Bloom or Oliver. She didn't tell anyone she was leaving, she just said that she won't be living with them or be friends with them.

"Hey, there's Stella" Tenca pointed as the blonde came running towards them.

"We're all here now" Bloom started with a hand on her hip. Stella put one hand on her knee and the other on Tecna's shoulder while panting

"Whoa, I hope for your sake that what you've got to tell us is super important Bloom. I was busy organizing my shoe collection" 

Stella stood up with a worried expression on her face.

"My oh my, you sure have your priorities straight" Tecna mocked in her monotone voice

"priorities are straight but the rest of her brain is a little bit of skew" Musa added as she pointed to her brain. 

"I have to talk to you girls. Seriously" Bloom said sadly as she looked down at her feet "What's wrong Bloom?" Flora asked 

"I've been thinking about this for a while and after what happed at Red fountain..." She trailed off and remembered the events of what was happened and how Brandon...Or Sky had a girlfriend.

"Well...I...Well, I've decided to leave Alfea! There I said it!" She shouted. They were all dumbfounded, looked like a dear caught in headlights. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. 

Or what the witches were hearing eighter. But what they noticed was that Terra wasn't there or that no one had even noticed she was missing. Icy thought that they were fools to let someone as powerful as Terra leave but that only meant they were one step closer to getting what they wanted.

"Ah, what? That was a stupid little incident and anyway, your friend could get lost, forget Brandon, Sky or whatever his name is you are you" Stella said in anger.

"Your powers are amazing Bloom don't waste them," Flora said as she placed her hands on Bloom's shoulder 

"You want to give up everything? Just like that without knowing what the outcome will be?" Musa asked.

"And what about your origins and the secret of Daphne the nymph?" Tecna asked 

"I don't care anymore Tecna. Really I'd rather just forget the whole thing. I don't belong to this dimension and every day I notice it more and more" 

"Listen Bloom. Think of what you're about to do very carefully" Flora said as Bloom backed away slowly "Trust me, Flora, I've given it a lot of thought"


Terra took out the tray of cupcakes and placed them in the display case as she sighed. 

"Terra sweetie you can go on your break," Her mother said as she nodded. Terra let her hair fall and took off her apron as she grabbed water and a cupcake. She sat down to read a book but she couldn't help but wonder if the girls noticed she was gone.

They did now that Bloom was gone. They had two missing fairies 


"She said goodbye Magix and she disappeared," Stormy said 

"She left huh?" Icy repeated as she stood up "So the little fairy as given up?" She asked.

"She's gone home" Darcy smirked.

"And Terra? What about her?" Stormy asked.

"I think she left. Or just stopped being their friends" Darcy shrugged.

"Sisters listen up," Icy said "This is the opportunity we've been waiting for. Without Terra and the rest of her friends, Bloom is even more vulnerable. Stormy and I get Bloom and you Darcy dear have the pleaser of helping our new friend Terra come towards the light...Or dark" 


"So tell us again why'd you come back," Terra's father asked.

"Bloom and I got in a fight. My studies are going well but what's the point if you don't have friends to enjoy everything with?" Terra sighed.

"And this Oliver guy?" Her mother asked.

"It's done. I meet his wife. She attacked Bloom so I had to fight her" She said sadly as her mother walked over and placed a hand behind her back.

"Look on the bright side. You're here. With us" Her mother smiled. Terra still frowned when she saw what they really felt. Disappointment and sadness. She wasn't sure if she got sadder or if Bloom was sad as well.

But one thing is for sure, they both were sad.


"What?! Why wasn't I notified immediately?" 

"Well, we thought that-" Flora started as she looked up

"That what? I wouldn't have noticed perhaps? No, But what were you thinking? You are Terra and Bloom's best friends" She scowled as she pushed her glasses up her face "and you allowed them to leave without trying to stop them" 

"That is not true!" Musa shouted as she inched closer 

"Miss Musa" Grisdela warned 

"Terra left last night and we hadn't noticed until Bloom was gone as well. Miss, you have to believe us" Stella pouted 

"Oh, all right. Let's discuss this further another time meanwhile you can go" 


"You heard what she said! I told you we should've let Faragonda know" Tecna yelled angrily as she walked into their room.

"Oh, yeah maybe, but what if they'd change their minds. What if she'd come back" Stella said. 

"Maybe Bloom but not Terra. She was really mad" Flora mumbled. 

"But they didn't, let's face it, girls, Bloom and Terra are gone for good" Musa said.

"Well then. I'm going to bring them back" Stella huffed as she balled her hands into fists. 

"I'll go with you" Flora nodded.


When Bloom opened the door she couldn't believe her eyes.

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