Terra, My Love

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Walking into Master Saladin's office the guys looked around "It's been a hot minute since I've been in this office" Oliver smiled as Terra rolled her eyes. 

"What fight did you get in?" Tecna asked bluntly as terra giggled a bit and went to the crystal ball. 

"It was about his grades that he let slip since his fight with his girlfriend" Timmy answered for him. "You really must be head over heels for her huh?" She chuckled before looking off to the side. "I wish I had something like that" She mumbled as Timmy glared at her before he went to Oliver. 

"Alright princess what do you feel?" 

"It doesn't work like that Olie. Tecna please" She smiled as Tecna walked over and placed her hands on the ball to create a virtual 3D model of the school that she then downloaded. 

Terra thought about all the times she was in Red Fountian but she didn't feel anything so they ended up going to the locked rooms. 

"Oh look, a book about my parents, yay" Oliver deadpanned. Terra chuckled before she went around a bookshelf. Currently, they were in the archive room. 

"Maybe if we pull a book" Tecna giggled. I hummed before Oliver and Terra started moving every book they found insight into. They didn't trash the place they just tipped the book and put it back in place. A book Terra pulled caused a circle on the floor to open up. 

Almost imminently something flies out. It looked like a mini person with orange hair and Oliver's eyes and wore a goddess dress. 

"I'm the guardian of Red Fountain Codex room who-" She looked around the room until her eyes landed on Terra and she repeatedly bowed. 

"I'm so sorry my princess Terra I didn't relise it was you!" She shouted. 

"Oh no, it's fine!" Terra chuckled as the pixie sighed and nodded. 

"Just one question. How do you my name?" She asked as the Pixie giggled.

"I was there when you were born silly. Not only am I the gruadian of Red Fountain I was to protect you when you were a kid. But look at you you're all grown up" She smiled as she leads them down the stair path. 

"Yeah, I guess. Um so if you came here from Tevibos would you know where my crystals are?" Terra asked as they all looked around. 

"Unfortunately not Terra. I've heard what's been happing and how the witches got the dragon flame" 

"Yeah. Bloom and I got in a fight and we both left" Terra mumbled. "Even the most powerful being in the world has its downtimes. Don't forgot that you also have a life Terra"

Oliver through an arm around her and smiled "She has a life with me" 

"I see" Athena giggled. 

"About her crystals" Tecna coughed in as Terra's eyes widen. "Do you maybe know how to pinpoint where the surge of power happened?" She asked. 

"Maybe. If I had a -"

"3D print?" Tecna asked as she brought on upon her hand. Athena smiled before she went on top of it and closed her eyes while putting her hands together. She created an orange engery ball that she let go around the model. 

"Under Red Fountain?" Tecna asked. 

"I see. It has been said that under the Red fountain there is a Blood lock. Only people related to Terra or the royal family blood may open it"  Athena answered.

"Thanks for the help" Terra smiled. 

"Don't worry about it, dear. Tell Bloom I said Hi" The pixie smiled as she walked up the stairs and left.

Terra sighed and looked off to the side worriedly. Bloom was unsettled and scared but she couldn't do anything about it. She hadn't noticed when they all left. What snapped her out of her thoughts was a man's voice calling out her name. 


"Terra my daughter" He called out again. Timmy, Tecna, And Oliver Heard the voice as well and went back to find Terra. She was shocked at what she was looking at. 

A man in almost a spirit form stood in front of her. He stood at seven feet tall in front of the four with a smile. "Terra, my love. It's lovely to see you outside the dream world

"Yeah. But How?" She asked 

"Your mother still has some magic left my dear. Quickly now. We don't have much time

He lead them across the hall as he started to speak again "We lived close to Dimino until the witches vanished us to get to the dragon Flame"

"At the time no one had the gardian's power. So no one could've fought back roughly"

"So why does Terra I have it now?" Tecna asked. 

"Good question. When you were young the dragon would be very fond of you and none of us knew why. When you learned how to walk we placed you in front of a table with five elements. A rock, a candle, a cup of water, and a feather"

"I read about this. Your kingdom only had elemental powers and that's how you decided who had what" Oliver nodded. 

"Yes. Element magic is the strongest type. You gave the rock a look and it brust into pebbles, the candle danced, the water went into a bubble and froze, The feather landed on Bloom's mother. That's when we realized the Dargon choose you to start the generation of guardians

"Just one question" Timmy cut in. "What's the story behind the crystals?" He asked. 

"The day after Bloom was born we went to visit her. That day Bloom was in a mood and wouldn't stop crying. You used your water to splash her in the face and were about to use ice. That's when we relised you didn't know how to fully control your new power because you weren't even paying attention to her. We went to a elemental magic specalist and she gave us the crystal to lock away a bit of your power until the day is needed

"Which is today is the day so hand it over," Oliver said as the man gave him a dirty look. 

"Sir! I mean...I-uh. Your daughter is amazing in battle. She can beat up everyone" He chuckled nervously.  

"Light magic is powerful but dark magic takes over. Dark magic is powerful, Terra your magic is between light and dark. Don't fall into the madness. Your magic is the balance between Evil and Good." 

The four stopped at a wall. Her father stepped aside so she could step up. She sighed as she placed her hand on the wall. They all gasped and took a step back when the wall started opening up. "I've heard you've seen Bloom's gold room. We'll I've created an illusion of ours. Although I forgot where I hid the crystals"

Terra walked in to see gold and diamonds everywhere "Stella would be jealous" Tecna giggled. 

"We are the kingdoms of kingdoms" Her father chuckled. 

"We don't have much time. The army of darkness is here"   

"Tecna and I can find them, Timmy, Oliver hold them off as much as you can" Terra ordered. 

"Be careful!" Her father shouted before he faded away.

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