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"Oliver, Tecna you'll be going with Terra to Red Fountain. Let's call this a plan B"

"Why are you going to Red Fountain Ms?" Tecna asked.

"Terra has an ever greater weapon given to her by Bloom's parents. Let's say it allows her to control her power a bit better" She answered.

"What type of weapon is this?" Tecna asked as she crossed her arms. "Crystals. Hidden somewhere in Red Fountain"

"As royal blood Terra should be able to unlock any door or any secret doors"

"Secret doors?" Oliver asked.

"Rumor has it Terra linked. In her darkest moments her connection to Red Fountain is stronger"

"Oliver will be with you along with Timmy. We've already talked it out with him and he's preparing the ship for launch" Master Saladin nodded.

"This all seems like too much. What about the others?" Tecna asked.

"Flora and Musa will stay here and protect Alfea. You're able to check anything. Footprints or an army" Terra sighed.

"I hate that Flora and Musa can't come but not only do they have to protect Alfea with everyone but they'll put us at risk. Right Red Fountain is covereding in ice so-"

"The building would fall apart if Musa used too much sound and if Flora created veins it'll offset the balance. Poor Flora" Tecna sighed.

"I'm all for protecting my princess but um what's the wrose case scenario?" Oliver asked.

"The buliding falls on us before we find what we're looking for or Icy, Darcy, and Stormy acttack us with an army" Tecna answered bluntly.

"Jee Thanks Tecna. That made things so much better" Oliver deadpanned as Terra nudged his side.

"You asked" She shrugged.

"When do we leave?" Terra asked. "As soon as you tell Musa and Flora" Saladin sighed.


Walking out the three sighed as they looking at the others. Bloom had tears in her eyes as she ran over to give Terra a hug. "It'll all be over soon" Terra sighed.

"Be safe. For me"

"Don't worry" Oliver said as he nodded. "You two are leaving as well?" Musa asked as Tears started running down her face.

"Just for a little. We're going back to Red Fountain" Oliver sighed. The girls got in a group hug as the boys said their byes.


"Alright red Fountain. Here we come" Timmy glupped as Tecna got in front.

"Alright. I've downloaded the building's schematics and as far as I know, there are three locked rooms. I'm looking over and only looking for magical elements"

"It's a 50/50 percent chance that anything will come up. It's a secret door. It's Secret for a reason" Timmy added.

"It's better to be safe than sorry" Tecna nodded.

"Nerds" Oliver coughed as Terra rolled her eyes and sighed. "Don't worry Princess Bloom will be fine" Oliver chuckled.

"Who'd you know I was thinking about that?" She asked. "Although you have a newfound attitude you still have your heart of your sleeve" He smiled as he kissed her forehead.

"I see you two have finally got together" Timmy chuckled.

"Weird. I thought Terra would be over him from all times he messed up" Tecna smirked.

"Hey! I'm right here" Oliver pouted.

"I know but I hope it's different this time"

"It is" He nodded as the other two laugh out.


"Alright we have to land a little fair or else the building will collapse," Timmy said as he touched a few buttons.

Oliver huffed as he started pressing other buttons.

"We'll look through Head Master Saladin door first. It'll give me an overview of the school"

"Don't you just feel the energy or something?" Oliver asked Terra.

"You have to be near it. Or close to it. If it's a strong as Terra that means you won't be able to get a magical reading due to the high magical energy" Tecna answered.


"You have to be powerful to read powerful kind of. Say you hid something a forgot it then you kinda remember. You would know the area of where you lost it but both where it is exactly" Terra answered Oliver's question as he nodded.

"Alright. Since the trix already stormed the place we should be safe but just in case Tecna can check the area and layout an undetected force field" Terra ordered.

"On it" Tecna nodded.

"Tecna Magic Winxs!"

Timmy smiled and told her to be safe as she went out through the back. "Your good at the leader thing" Oliver smiled.

"Thanks" she smiled.

As Timmy landed the ship Tecna was already down on the ground with the outfit she wore to Domino considering Red Fountain was covered in ice and snow.

"We should be a mile from Red Fountain" Tecna sighed as she closed the map in her wrist.

"Good. Let's just hope I can find the crystal"

"You will. Don't worry" Oliver smiled as he patted her head.

"Hmm. Ms. Faraginda mentioned this is a backup plan. What's the first plan?" Tecna asked

"Bloom went to cloud tower with Stella, Knut, Brandon, and Sky" Terra answered.

"That's ridiculous. On a crazy person would go there!" Timmy shouted.

"I thought you would be the one to buy us time" Tecna huffed out.

"I was going to be the one to go but Ms. Faragonda and Bloom had different ideas" Terra pouted. 

"What are the Crystals like? I know they hold power or something" Oliver asked as they stepped in front of Red Fountain. Terra shrugged as Tecna pulled up an article on her wrist and cleared her throat. 

"It's metioned that the king and Queen of Domino gave Terra's parents the crystals. I did a little deep diving and found out they may have used it to transfer her magic into the crystal because as a child she may have been too powerful. Although I did find other things among them. Would you like to hear them?" 

"Yes please" Terra smiled as they made their way to Head Master Saladin's office. 

"Well they all have a meaningful source of Bloom's perants gave the crystals but the thing that changes is the ending. Some say it was because they needed the power for something else, they trapped an evil power, or the crystals are just something to increase your power" She stated. 

"I have a feeling this isn't going to end well"

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