For Alfea, Red Fontain, and Cloud Tower!

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 Season 2 announcement at the end 

Tecna and Terra fought their way through the shadow army and the crystals were nowhere in sight. The guys had already regrouped with there in the middle of Red Fountain.

"It's no use! We didn't find them!" Tecna shouted as she blocked an attack from above caused by one of the bigger monsters.

"And there too many to fight off with just the four of us!" Timmy shouted in return.

"Terra any ideas?!" They both asked. As Terra blocked an attack she hummed to herself.

"You three head off! I'll find them on my own. If the army is this strong then I suggest going back and helping the school!" She shouted as the others ran to a safe room. "No! Abousltuly not! I just got you what if something happens!" Oliver shouted thrusting his sword up.

"You have to believe in my abitilies! Please! I don't think I can find them if I'm worrying about everyone"

"Oliver we have to do what she says! I don't agree but we don't have a choice!" Timmy addded as they turned the coner and shout the door.

"I can leave you, Terra!" Oliver shouted.

"Why don't you contrent your engery into him. Connect yourself with him and you'll both be able to tell rather ones in distress or not" Tecna panted.

"Are you up for it Terra?" Timmy asked.

"Yes!" She shouted as she flew down and grabbed Oliver's hand. As they both ran black and white engery formed on their hands and ran out through the body. When the four friends ended back at the front of the ship, Tecna was the first to hug her. "Bloom and the rest of us will be waiting" she smiled. Terra nodded as Timmy waved and went up to the ship to prepare it.

Oliver stepped in front of her and gave her a hug. "Come back in one piece. I just got you and I don't plan on letting you leave"He whispered as he started petting the back of her hair. "Don't worry about me. Just foucs on kicking butt!" She smiled.

Oliver chuckled before nodding and walking away onto the ship. Terra immediately flows back in and defends herself as much as she could. When the ship left she had flown into Head Master Saladin's office and a door opened slowly. There the crystals stood. Terra snatched them and flow out the window with the army behind her.

"If I follow the ship the others are at risk!" She thought out loud. She turned instead of staying on the tail of the ship.

When a shadow monster hit a bit of her wing she got knocked down and had to walk back most of the way without the army there. With a sigh, she sat down.

"What do I do know?" She asked herself as she looked at all the crystals in her bag. She started walking towards Magix first.

Bloom was on her way to the Lake. The Lake where she would get her powers back.

"Was it a mistake to leave her there on her own?" Oliver asked

"We have to trust her abilities. She can be sweet and got pushed over a lot but she grew out of it when she found out about her parents" Tecna sighed.

"She was told that she was a Bloom's protected but never believed it until she placed the crown on. She needed that push off the ledge to let her fairy wings fly" Tecna added.

"Don't get me wrong. I like the new Terra but-"

"Yes. Most likely. She's running on hatred and adrenaline and until she sees the Trix behind a prison cell..."

Terra's glared out as she saw Magix in the distance. Her glare was hard and angry ready to take on the Trix. On her way, she had looked around in the bag.

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