Cold Spell (Part Two)

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"Mmm, I cannot wait for tonight" Icy said

"Once we tried out the other fairies with those horrific nightmares" Stormy smirked

"It'll be Blooms turn"

"and she's in for a most unpleasant experience" Icy finished.

"And Terra?" Stormy asked

"I'm already working on the perfect and evilest position known to witch and fairy kind yet" Darcy smirked


When Terra got home the others filled her in on a plan. Bloom opened an eye and looked around as much as she could.

Mirta the pumpkin glowed a white. Kiko jumped down from the table and jumped all the way to Bloom.

"Oh no, Flora"

Kiko jumped to everyones room to warn them. Once the thing got on top of Flora she sat up "Bloom this is it!" She yelled as she moved her vines around his body, neck, snout, and arms.

It ran off into a wall and they all met it in the main room.

"Its huge!" Terra shouted

"Its horrible" Bloom gasped

"Magic Winxs!" The girls yelled

Both Terra and Stella took off there rings and threw them up "Solaria!" "First configuration!"

Both Stella and Terra waved there spears around. Stella landed a hit that turned white and knocked the beast away. Once again she started to relive her nightmare .

The beast that was startled ran into the door and both Terra and Bloom yelled "Come on! Let's tail that thing!"

The others ran out as Flora walked over to Mirta. Mirta told her to protect Bloom as both Musa and Tecna was on the ground. Terra and Stella flew above and Bloom held a shield from the green attacks. The worse part was that Terra saw it too but it didn't drain her.

With one final attack it knocked her to the ground and landed on her butt. "Bloom!" Terra shouted jumping in front. It was her turn to get the nightmares.

She saw a baby brother that was running away from her as she looked down she saw rainbow of lighting around her.

Luckily Bloom had pushed themselves out of the way.

"Girls! What's wrong?" Flora asked

"We can't do this alone. It's up to you three. Last nights horrors have completely tried us out" Tecna groaned as Stella started shaking Bloom awake.

"Where did it go!" Terra shouted

"Downstairs! Come on! Let's hurry!" Flora shouted as Stella moved them in a flash of light. They ended up in the courtyard as Stormy, Darcy, and Icy saw everything from the vacuums

"The time has come to give our monster a hand" Stormy smirked.

As the girls looked around Terra felt something from above and looked up "Girls look up!" Terra shouted as they jumped away.

The monster threw a green ball at Musa as she flew in the air "So you want to take me on huh?!" she asked as she created a disco shield around herself. Tecna drew a triangle to throw it at him but his tail swiftly threw it away.

After two more hits the disco ball with Musa inside fell to the ground and he turned its attention to Tecna and Bloom. They blocked with there arms as Flora, Stella, and Terra were up. Terra used her ice to freeze the leg but it quickly broke free. Musa flew down as Stella and Flora's attacks we're waved away with it's tail. Both Tecna and Musa looked like they where out cold.

"What in the world is going on? Were all exhausted" Bloom asked

"I don't know but by the looks of things you Winx could still beat us even if your all split up" Icy said as it nodded towards the creature.

It let out another green ball towards Terra and smacked her with it's tail.

Her eyes where closed as she was thrown to who knows where. But she saw Oliver with the green haired woman. Terra hit a sandy ground floor and eventually broke a little bit of a wall which created a cradle.

She saw a light and a few men around her. That's when she realised she was at Red Fountain.

"I have to get back" she mumbled as she sat up

"What is going on?!" Head master Saladin asked

"Sorry! I have to go!" Terra yelled as she flew away. When she got back she saw that Ms. Faragonda and Bloom attacking the monster and wanted to join in

"Terra! What happened!?" Bloom asked

"It knocked me to Red Fountain!" She shouted as the monster started running somewhere

"I'll get it!" Terra yelled as Bloom followed and the Trix attacked Bloom.

Bloom flew back as an ice attack almost hit her. Terra had noticed it was on it's way to Red Fountain so she flew ahead but it attacked her still.

"Head Master Saladin! Move your men away!" Terra shouted as she turned around and created a shield to stop it from stepping on someone.

"You have no where to run Bloom!" Icy shouted as she threw ice at Bloom. The beast shrieked as it smacked Terra onto the ground.

"I've had enough of this!" Terra shouted as her haired flowed up.

"Get angry Terra!"

"Do not provoke my student!" Ms. Faragonda shouted as Terra let out a white and black energy blast that evaporated the beast and caused the Trix to fade.

Terra detransformed and started to fall to the ground as Ms. Faragonda slowed down the falling for Bloom to catch her

"What happened Bloom?" She asked

"The thing just attacked us. Things are always after me and protecting Terra. Ms. Faragonda something is going on and it's starting to scare Terra the most"

"I have a feeling Mrs. Griffin will know what happened or at least I hope she will"

Later that day Icy, Darcy and Stormy got kicked out.

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