Storming Cloud-Tower

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The ship landed as the girls and guys ran out to see Miss Faragonda and Master Saladin. 

"Welcome back all of you" Miss Faragonda smiled with open arms. "Bloom Terra, how are the two of you?" She asked. 

"Fine Miss Faragonda" Bloom smiled "Learning the truth can change your mood a bit" Terra shrugged. They all laughed. 

"So your mission was successful?" Master Saladin asked the guys. Oliver held up his thumb as Sky said "We found them, sir"

Bloom smiled and pointed her thumb at him "Brandon and his, uh, I mean Prince Sky and the other specialist" 

Stella nudged her shoulder with a wink "Their arrival on Domino was timely" Stella giggled as Musa jumped in the middle of the two and pointed at something "Hey look" 

They watched as Pepe and Kikio played jump frog. "Looks like kikio found a friend" Tenca added. "It's Icy's duck, Pepe. How did he get here?" Musa asked 

"I brought him with me" Knut said. "Kunt" Stella growled 

"Let me at him!" Terra shouted as she was about to jump on Knut. Oliver was the one to swing her over his shoulder 

"It's all right girls. The ogre is on our side" Faragdona said. "He fought courageously against the forces of evil" Master Saladin added. 

"Goodness. You close you're eyes for a second and look what happens" Stella giggled. 

"I don't trust him" Terra growled as Oliver puts her down.

"Pepe and I managed to run away from Cloud Tower, they chased us but we were too fast for them" He explained. 

"Indeed, we don't even know what happened to Miss Griffin" Faragonda sighed. "That might be my fault" Terra frowned 

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked. "The Trix's did something that caused me to turn into a dark fairy. When I was Icy, Darcy and Stormy made me go to Cloud with them to Cloud Tower. All four of us took over Cloud-tower. While doing that we locked the teachers and students away" 

"Wait. I missed dark Terra?" Oliver asked sadly. "Really Olie?" She asked 

"And they didn't call me Dark Terra. I don't remember much but Icy went along the lines of 'The Queen of Destruction, Terra' so they named me "Terra of Destruction". Darcy threatened my family if I didn't drink something she made" 

"Wow we missed a lot" Brandon chuckled. 

"Yup" she smiled. 

"So I guess this means we're all in the same boat now" Flora smiled "Yes but it remains to be seen whether we can keep afloat or not" Musa added. Stella walked over and placed a hand on Knuts shoulder "At least we have a life raft" 

He got up and gave her a hug "uh-huh" 

 Tecna looked at the other men as they unpacked "It's getting a little crowded here. Don't you think?" Tecna asked. 

"It's true then? Something happened to Red Fountain?" Bloom asked. 

"Yes. We believe it has something to do with Terra. But the boys will stay here for now" 

"Great. More time to spend with my princess" Oliver smiled as he wrapped his arm around Terra's shoulder.

"As strong and courageous as these young men are they can't possibly overpower Icy, Darcy, and Stormy by themselves. Noir can Terra do it alone. She hasn't even hit a dent in her magical powers"

"Those three witches won't wait long before launching a new attack on Alfea. We've got to be ready to fight them" 

"Terra. Bloom. My office please" Faragonda said as she lifted her glasses up her nose. 

"The others could wait outside," Master Saladin said. 


"It seems Terra's connection to Red Fountain may have saved it" Master Saladin hmmed. "What do you mean?" Bloom asked

"Well. We're not sure yet but in a book about Domino it's stated that Bloom's mother and Father gave Terra a gift of element crystals" Faragonda said. 

"We believe Terra may have sensed it and her ring helped the crystals protect Red Fountain from being destroyed" 

"That's good or bad?" Terra asked. Master Saladin chuckled "Yes. It's good Terra. If we can find them then you'll have another weapon on your hands. A weapon that can help you defeat those witches on your own" 

Terra glanced at Bloom before crossing her legs "Oliver! Sky! Stella! Brandon" 

The two walked in as the girls stood up. "Well, Bloom we have seriously considered your proposal and-"

"Accepted it and that's why you didn't ask the other Winx to come to this meeting" She answered for her. "You mean to say the others know nothing of this?" Master Saladin asked.

"I think it's best of the two fills them in they'll take it better" 

"Excuse me but what are you talking about?" Sky asked. 

"We're discussing Blooms plan for getting back the dragon flame" He answered as Sky glanced at her angrily "She hasn't told you anything?" He asked as she just giggled.

"Sky you're going to accompany this girl to Cloud-tower since Terra won't be there"  

"What!" Brandon and Terra shouted. 

"Only a total lunatic would consider anywhere near Cloud-tower right now" Sky growled. "Exactly, that's the very last thing the witches expect from us. I need to get right into the castle. We have no other choice" 

"Are we missing the fact that I won't be going?!" Terra shouted. 

"Terra you'll be going with Oliver on a different mission" 

"We'll explain later" Saladin nodded. 

"How are you going to do that?" Brandon asked. 

"Easy we can take the tunnels" Knut answered. "Knut is very familiar with the old underground corridor system linking the three magic schools. He will be the one leading the four of us on this mission" Bloom explained. 

"Come on you've lost all magic powers! You're putting your life at risk!" Sky shouted. 

"But I have no choice, don't you understand? As long as the witches possess the power of the dragon flame nothing can stop them"

"What about Terra?" He asked.

"She can't do it herself. Not all of them at the same time at least. The flame is a part of me I'm responsible for it" 

Stella said her name and placed her hand on Bloom's shoulder "So when do we get going?" Sky asked. 

"As soon as I  convinced Musa, Tecna and Flora to stay here" She answered. 

"Tecna will be going with Oliver and Terra on their mission. When your speaking to them Oliver, Terra and Tecna will be having there meeting" Faragonda sighed. 

"A final attack is imminent" 

"Please bring in Tecna as the rest of you may leave" 

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