Chapter Two

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Jerry's POV

If I turned in my texts from the last hour to the police, I would have a perfectly reasonable court case for a restraining order.

Mistake: hey so just so you know you're still getting a C on your piss poor writing assignment

Mistake: what, playing hard to get?

Mistake: how do you think you can get A's when you start assignments with sentences like "I like anal. Did that catch the reader's attention well enough, Adam?"

Mistake: rude ass

There was even a missed call. I waited until I was in my car to call him back, because the last thing I wanted was Sir Master Robert busting my balls over whoever was harassing me.

"Jeremy?" Adam drawled over the line. "Why are you contacting me?"

This guy.

"I hate you and want you dead," I told him. "You're the antichrist. Or Scar. Or, like, Thanos. Or any human that interferes negatively with the Air Buddies. I hate you."

"That was a lot of jumbled and random movies references. Except the antichrist thing. That's just dramatic."

"...Air Buddies is not random."

We were left in uncomfortable silence.

Adam cleared his throat. "So. Why did you actually call me?"

"To tell you to stop texting me like I'm your wife who forgot the kids in the McDonald's playpen. Also, what happened yesterday was a mistake. I never should've fucked you, I never should've given you my phone number, and I regret it."

"I obviously regret it too," Adam said snippily.

"Mainly because you're ugly," I continued. Adam sputtered. "No, seriously, you are. Your nose looks like you're Pinocchio and you walk around saying that Elon Musk is sexy. Your body is reminiscent of a garden gnome that mauled a cookie jar for two years straight. Looking into your eyes for more than three seconds makes a cold sweat form on my back."

"...Are you done?"


"...You've been holding that in for a while."

I hung up.

I called back two seconds later because I was still mad. He picked up and I didn't even let him talk.

"You're like a low-class whore in a rich city. Always present, always desperate, and your presence is detested by the vast majority of people."

Adam sighed. "Are you trying to prove to me that you deserve better grades by using a number of creative insults? Jerry, you don't deserve good grades. The writing assignment where you were supposed to argue that the American court system takes language-based discrimination cases too lightly, and uses it as a way to keep immigrants from climbing the social ladder? You ended it with, and I quote, 'hashtag white people be trippin'. That was your concluding sentence, Jeremy."

"I see no flaw in that logic."


"I also regret it because you are an adulterous whore," I decided. "My best friend is dating the man who's heart you broke. It is very rude to both of them that I slept with you."

"...That's obviously the case," Adam gritted out. "I understand that."

"You also had a recent psychotic break in which you thought blackmail would be a suitable way to woo a man," I pointed out. "Which ended not so much in your favor."

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