3: Detention.

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At recess we reported to detention, without fail the whole group had landed detention within the first period. We always made sure to get detention and there was only one teacher who was crazy enough to put up with us during detention and that was Kate's cousin Jade. She actually gave us detention if we failed to get one ourselves, she'd make up a story about how we acted up in, or out of class.

"Here I was thinking I might get some peace and quiet from you lot" Jade greeted us.

"You love us" Luke poked his tongue out.

"Well I do get to escape you all for lunch at least" She informed.

"What? Which teacher decided they're willing to put up with our obnoxious behaviour for another couple of hours a week?" Kate demanded.

"Actually it's the new teacher Mr. Raux, he had no say in the matter the rest of the staff have practically forced him to do at least one detention duty. They are actually taking bets that he won't want to do it again you know? They don't know how I can put up with you guys" She announced "I think Riley and Luke have a double with him up next".

"We just had a disagreement with Shakira and Mia about him" Amy told the group.

"If he's so 'dreamy' to them then he's obviously a dick" I groaned.

"What happened to not judging someone by their looks or by what others say about them?" Jade questioned. "Plus I talked to him about how terrible you lot are and he seemed alright".

"I'll give him a chance. But if he is a dick you know you'll have us back for all detentions until another new teacher comes along?" I said.

"I'm aware" Jade laughed.

"Well I hope he's cool. It'll be good to have another teacher to give us detention when we want it" Sam shrugged.

"Not to mention how Shakira would react if he took our side" Kate smirked.

"OK. Now that would be great" I admitted.

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