30: Big Steps.

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When he arrived home he came bearing pizza and lollies so we feasted on them as we watched horror movies in his bedroom. But after the second movie we turned to other activities to occupy ourselves. 

Making love to Brian was still as wonderful and magical as the first time. 

"Riley?" He asked as he held my naked body close to his.

"Mmm?" I murmured, still in a dreamlike haze.

"I've been thinking" that piked my interest and I sat up so I could study his face "Don't be so alarmed" He laughed "I've been thinking and I want you to move in with me".

I couldn't contain the smile "Brian I-"

"Just say yes. I already asked your Dad" He interrupted.

I kissed him passionately "Yes" I whispered "I'd love to move in".

The excitement affected us in a way that we only knew of one remedy to this excitement, Brian laid over me and kissed me passionately as we began a second round of love making.   

The following day I waited impatiently for Luke to get home from Sam's so that I could tell him and Hannah the good news together. 

As soon as he walked in the front door I ran to him and grabbed his arm leading him to the lounge room where Hannah was sprawled out on one of the couches. I shoved Luke onto the other and sat beside him.

"What's got you all excited?" Luke laughed.

"Brian asked me to move in with him!" I screeched from excitement.

"Really? Aww that's so sweet! Please tell me you said yes?" Hannah clapped.

"Of course I did!"

"That's amazing Ri, also a huge coincidence" Luke beamed. Hannah and I both turned to face him with questioning gaze; "Sam asked me to move in too. Dad agreed and so did his Mum" Luke informed.

"That's great!" I cheered.

"So I'll be living here alone?" Hannah questioned. "I don't mind but your Dad may".

"Well Dad is fine with me moving and with Luke so I'm sure he's perfectly fine with you staying here. We'll get it all worked out" I promised.

"We can ring him now?" Luke suggested.

We called Dad and told him the news, which he already was expecting to hear but still he was full of excitement.

"Anyway Sean, I was wondering, what am I doing now since Riley and Luke are moving?" Hannah asked in a slightly worried tone.

"Hannah, I told you that you were welcome there as long as you wanted. I'm aware that it's a big house for one person but it'd make a great house for group sleepovers"

She gave a sigh of relief "Thanks Sean, you're the best!" 

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