15: I Love You.

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Over the next few months things had changed at school. Since Shakira had left the whole environment had changed at school, everyone was a lot kinder to other people. Matt stuck by his word of wanting to know me and my friends better and would purposely get detention just to hang out with us, he was really starting to feel like one of the group but we still had a long way to go in forming a friendship before I would be comfortable to reveal mine and Brian's secret with him.

We had told Jade of our relationship and she was really cool about it and happy we were together. She even covered for me a few times so I could stay the night at Brian's. No Brian and I are not sexual! I even sleep in a different room than him. It's only so we get to actually spend time together where we don't have to be cautious of being caught out. These nights were amazing. Just hanging out with Brian was great. Not to mention the bonus of being able to kiss him whenever I felt like it.

When we are at school Brian and I don't get a lot of time alone so we acted normal in front of everyone or in high risk areas but in detention we would get a bit more physical and flirty as long as it was only the people who knew about us in there and there was no chance anyone would be barging in.

The school bell rang through the halls, marking the end of third period which happened to be English for Lucas and I. We hurried to get all our books in order. I grabbed my stack of supplies and stood from the desk, headed for the classroom door.

"Riley can you stay behind please?" Brian requested from where he lent on his desk.
Some students hesitated so they could see what I was in trouble for. Luke however remained beside me. "This doesn't concern any of you, I'm sure your teachers are waiting for you so hurry on now" Brian scolded them. "That includes you Lucas, Riley doesn't need you waiting for her, off you go" He added to Luke but gave him a smile.

Luke nodded and exited the room with Brian following behind to lock the door and pull down the blind.

"Am I in trouble Mr. Raux?" I pouted.

"Of course not my dear Riley" He smirked as he closed the space between us and kissed me passionately. Even lifting me onto his desk, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"Wow" I breathed as we pulled apart.

"Wow indeed" he blushed.

"You should keep me behind more often" I smiled.

"I was just thinking the same thing. But even though I had to kiss you there is one other reason I kept you behind" He informed me.

"Oh?" I questioned.

"Well Caleb is coming down for the weekend so I was wondering if you'd like to spend tonight with me and meet him?" Brian asked.

"Are you kidding?! I can't wait to meet Caleb!" I practically shouted before restraining myself.

Brian gave a giggle "He'll be happy to hear. I have a meeting after school but Jade has agreed to cover so I will pick you up at her house around 4:30?"

"Fine by me. I should get to Maths. Ms. Wilson won't be happy with you for keeping me so long" I said with a sigh giving him a quick peck on the lips before turning to walk away.

"Riley?" He asked nervously as I reached for the lock.

I turned around to face him "Yes?"

"I uh- I- I love you" He stuttered out in a whisper and immediately began to blush.

A big grin grew on my face and I ran back to him to embrace him and kissed him "I love you too" I admitted. That was our first ever exchange of those three words and I meant it with all of my heart.

"You do?" He beamed.

"Of course I do" I nodded.

He kissed me hard and it got heated rather quickly but was interrupted by my text tone ringing out. It was from Sam: Ms. Wilson is pissed off that Brian is keeping you so long and is about ready to come see why.

"I have to go. Apparently Ms. Wilson is just about ready to come beat down this door" I informed Brian.

He frowned "I wish we didn't have to hide this".

"Me too" I sighed and kissed his cheek "See you in detention".

I practically ran to my Maths class and Ms. Wilson was pissed alright. "Riley Smith where have you been?" She demanded.

"Mr. Raux kept me behind, something to do with my essay not being up to scratch. I say he should be glad I even completed the damn thing" I rolled my eyes.

"Very well. I wish he wouldn't keep you during my time, Maths is important too" She groaned.

I went to my seat and Sam grinned at me "You know 10 minutes is just enough time for a bit of fun time" He said.

"No we aren't doing that yet" I hissed "He wanted me to spend the night".

"Not yet, but tonight" Sam teased.

"No. I'm actually meeting Caleb tonight" I corrected.

"Sam, if you're so interested in peoples sex lives than why don't you tell us about yours" Elise joked.

"About a week and a half ago was the last time Luke and I had sex and we decided to change-" Sam began.

"I didn't mean it. I take it back" Elise groaned.

"OK but can I just say Luke has a big dick" Sam said.

Elise practically slammed her head into the table "Thanks for the visual" She mumbled. Sam and I began to laugh hysterically and Elise soon joined in. The whole class turned to us, including a highly irritated Ms. Wilson.

"Care to share what is so funny here?" She snapped.

"We would rather not, it's a bit inappropriate" I giggled.

"A bit!?" Elise scoffed.

"If you can talk about it in class it can't be that inappropriate" a student stated, not sure who.

"OK well since you wanted to know..." I smirked and looked to Sam "care to carry on?"

He smirked "Sure thing. So I was just telling Riley and Elise about the last time Luke and I had sexual intercourse and how we-"

This time a very angry Ms. Wilson interrupted, slamming her fist on the desk "ENOUGH! Detention for the term, all three of you! Maybe you'll think twice before discussing such vulgar topics in class!" She fumed. All students gave a small giggle but shut up when she turned back around "I don't want to hear a single peep out of any of you for the remainder of this class". 

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