26: Dad's Good News.

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Dad took Lucas and I out for dinner at a five star restaurant to celebrate and officially announce that he had indeed got the executive position. We already knew this of course but we couldn't deny Dad a nice night out, it was indeed a great accomplishment for him and we were proud of him.

"I was thinking of looking into a big house, one that we could all live at and your friends could come stay. Also with plenty of room for entertainment" Dad told us as we toasted his new job.

"Maybe we can finally get a pool table" Luke sighed.

"Or a pool" I was trying to muster the enthusiasm that Dad had but the thought of moving just made me sad no matter how awesome the house would be.

Come on, I'm sure you two can be more enthusiastic than that. This is an amazing opportunity" Dad teased, elbowing Luke in the arm.

"We are happy for you Dad, really. It's just that our friends and the people we love are here" I said as I pushed a piece of broccoli around my plate.

Dad just looked at me, then to Lucas and a huge smile spread onto his face "I know, that's why I took a 3 bedroom house with a pool. I was thinking of having a bar room, entertainment room and the remaining bedroom can have a couple of beds" dad noted.

"We'll share a room?" Luke asked.

Dad shook his head "I was thinking more of a guest room actually". We looked at him confused and he gave a smile "I want the two of you to stay here. I know how much Brian, Sam and your friends mean to the both of you and I could never take you away from them. They're your family too".

Luke and I both dropped our forks and hugged Dad right there in the restaurant, I was astonished and I could tell Luke was too. "Thank you so, so, so much!" I beamed.

"I can't believe you'd let us stay. You're the best" Luke said.

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