33: Cover Up.

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Thankfully I still had a home to go to and Hannah was glad to have me back even on the bad circumstances, and even though it was only for a week. I had contacted Dad and worked out that I'd be moving in with him since I could not handle staying here anymore. 

The week I had stayed with Hannah was tough becuaseI still attended school. I had stopped acting up so I wouldn't get detention and English class was almost impossible not to break down and cry in, especially because of how upset Brian was. It pained me to see him so depressed, I wanted so badly to hug and kiss him once more and take back everything I had said. But I had to keep what pride I had left so instead I would move where I would not have to see Brian any more.

There was just one thing I had to take care of before I left. Mia had helped me to arrange it and thankfully Caleb was still talking to me, even though he was upset about me ending things with Brian. He had agreed to act as though he was the father of the baby growing inside of me.

I sat on the bench seat that we had picked out at the lake, there was another really close to it where Mia would be bringing Shakira to overhear this act. 

"Hey!" Greeted Caleb as soon as he saw me. He ran up and hugged me.

"Hi, thanks for doing this for me, after the pain I caused Brian" I tried to give half a smile.

"This is as much for Brian as it is for you. But even if it wasn't for him I'd still help you Riley, that's what friends are for" He informed.

"How is he?" I asked, it pained me to think of him.

"He's a miserable wreck, but he knows you're doing what you think is best" Caleb informed.

"I wish I didn't have to hurt him" I sighed.

"I know" He comforted as he hugged me again.

I received the text from Mia then: Just arrived at the lake. Are you ready for the preformance of a lifetime? We'll be near soon.

"They're here" I informed.

Caleb simply nodded in response and went in the opposite direction to where Mia and Shakira were coming from. He hid out of sight until Shakira and Mia reached the table within hearing range. I really hope that Shakira would buy this story.

"Hey babe" Caleb 'greeted' me.

"Hi" I smiled and stood to hug him and kiss his cheek, I kept all enthusiasm out of my tone.

"What's wrong?" He furrowed his brow.

"I need to tell you something" I sighed.

"You can tell me anything and you know that" He encouraged. It reminded me of telling Brian and I began to tear up, maybe that was good as the tears made it more believable.

"I-I'm pregnant" I stuttered it just loud enough for Shakira to hear and seen her look to me from the corner of my eye.

"Pregnant? Oh Riley, that's wonderful!" He cheered.

I shook my head "No it's not Caleb, I can't do this".

"Can't do what? You know I'm here for you, if you're worried it'll affect your school then don't be. Your graduation is in a few months and then we can move in together and raise our baby. We can be a great family" He tilted my head upwards so I was facing him.

I brushed away his hand and looked to the ground "I'm leaving" I sighed.

"Why?" He questioned sadly. He was putting on a great performance.

"I can't hold you down like that, you have so many dreams and I'm already affecting them. Having a kid with you will crush them completely".

"You are my dream" He stated "I love you". Then he did something that surprised me and kissed me. "just part of the act" he informed in a whisper as he pulled away.

"I do to, and that's why I have to do this. I'm sorry Caleb but your other dreams are more important than I am" I gave a weak smile then stood up.

"Where are you going?" Caleb questioned.

I gave a heavy sigh "Goodbye Caleb, please don't make this any harder for me".

I began to walk off as Caleb stood there mouth dropped open. Shakira followed me, towing Mia along.

"Well that was interesting. I can't wait to tell everyone that you're pregnant, and to an older guy" Shakira snickered.

I had to give a slight smile before I turned to face her, acting upset. "You know what? I don't care what you say anymore, at least this time it'll be a fact".

"Boohoo so sad. At least now I know for certain you weren't with my man after all" She pouted and used her hands to make a 'crying' face.

"I never was" I stated.

"Maybe now I can have both brothers".

"Caleb would never go for someone as selfish as you" I narrowed my eyes. Neither would Brian but I couldn't say that.

"We'll see" She smirked before turning away with Mia following behind.

I couldn't believe that she fell for it. I looked to Caleb and we both grinned at each other then I looked back towards Shakira and Mia. Mia turned to me smiled and gave a thumbs up. I smiled back and mouthed 'thank you'.

Now I could finally leave this town and try move on with my life. I had almost eight months to get my life sorted so that I could become the best Mother I could be to the little angel that was inside me. I touched my stomach at the thought of it "We're going to be alright" I promised.

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