27: Old Friends.

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The following day also held a great surprise. I had just walked into my lounge room when I was practically tackled to the ground by a hug. When the culprit let me go I looked at them, at first I didn't notice who it was but after a moment of studying their face it hit me. The person standing before me was my old best friend Hannah. She had always been so different from me, pretty and popular but we were the best of friends.

We had kept in contact online but it wasn't constant and I  can't even recall how many years it had been since I last saw her in person. I hadn't talked with her for the past 5 months.

"Han!?" I screeched and hugged her back.

"It's been soooo long" she exaggerated. "You look great Ri".

"So do you" I grinned. "What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I told her she could stay here, for as long as she wants" Dad announced.

"Really? It's going to be amazing!" I said, jumping up and down.

"It's true. Let's sit down and catch up" Hannah suggested.

And we did, we talked for hours. Turns out her Mother had recently remarried to a guy who lived near and he was very nasty towards Hannah and instead of backing her up Hannah's Mum took his side since her last relationship ended due to the boyfriend flirting with Hannah, even though she wasn't interested.

Dad found her in a café and talked with Han, when she told him about the situation he immediately offered that she stay with us. They had already called around to her Mums house to get Han's things. She had already been enrolled to start at our school tomorrow.

"So tell me about school and your friends. I hear your best-friend lives here because his parents weren't accepting of his sexuality? So we finally have the gay friend we wanted" Han questioned.

"Three gay friends actually. Sam is Luke's boyfriend, Lucas is hanging out with him now. Then there's Amy she's really cool too" I informed.

"Even better, so do you have a boyfriend... or girlfriend??" Han asked.

"I have a boyfriend. He's pretty amazing. You'll meet him tomorrow maybe" I said.

"Maybe? Doesn't he hang out with you?"

"He does a bit, mainly during lunch, in detention" I answered.

"Detention? Is he a bad boy?" She teased jokingly.

"No, it's sort of our group's thing. There's only two teachers who take detention and both are great, one's actually the cousin of my friend Kate. Anyway we either ask them for detention or we slightly miss behave with the strict teachers. It's usually only our group in detention so it's great" I explained.

When Monday rolled around Luke Hannah and I walked to school. We took Hannah to the general office to get her locker number and class list. We showed her to the locker which was right near mine so she could put away her things. As she sorted out her locker I studied her class timetable.

"You have double English with one of our detention teachers up first. Mr. Raux will give you detention if you tell him you're friends with me, that's if you want it" I said.

"Alright, well at least that's easy" Han smiled as she shut her locker. We turned so I could give her a tour of the school. Across from us Matt and his friends where talking. "Who is that?" Haley asked, blushing slightly as she looked right at Matt.

"That's Matt, he's the most popular guy" I told her.

Matt caught sight of us, nodded his head and smiled he turned back to his friends for a second before partially jogging over to us. "Hey Ri, who's this?" He asked as he put an arm over my shoulders.

"Good morning Matt" I laughed. "This is Hannah, one of my oldest friends, she's staying with me for a while" I introduced.

"Hi" Hannah said.

"Hey, will you be joining us in detention?" Matt asked.

"Hopefully, she has Mr. Raux up first. You have him then too, right?" I questioned.

He nodded "Ah, easy done. Yep, I can take you to class, I assume this is your locker? I'll meet you here when the bell goes" Matt offered, Haley nodded in return and he went back to his friends.

"Is Matt your boyfriend?" Han asked.

I shook my head "Matt is just a friend".

I gave her a tour and took her back to the locker in time for the bell.

Sure enough Brian had given Matt and Hannah detention. As usual Jade took our recess detention.

"How was English?" I asked her.

"Great, but it should be illegal for teachers to be that attractive" Hannah giggled.

"You had Mr. Raux right? He's quiet the hottie, don't you think?" Luke joked.

"That's rather inappropriate, given Jade's presence" Hannah noted.

"I don't mind at all, I'm use to these lot" Jade laughed.

"Oh well he is rather cute I suppose" Han blushed.

"Cute? That man is fine!" Amy stated jokingly.

"You guys are so weird" I rolled my eyes.

"Aww come on Ri, you'd totally go all the way to third base with Mr. Raux if given the chance" Sam teased. Yes they knew that Brian and I had indeed went past 'third base' he was just joking.

"Don't you know, she already has?" Brian smirked from the door way. I blushed and Hannah looked from me to Brian.

"Hannah this is Brian, my boyfriend" I informed as he came to my side, quickly pecking my cheek.

"But he's a teacher?" Hannah stated, she furrowed her brow in confusion.

"Remember how I used to message you about the guy from the mall. Well turns out he became my English teacher and after a series of events we could no longer deny our feelings so here we are, in a taboo relationship" I shrugged.

"Oh I do remember. Well when you put it like that I have no complaints" She nodded.

When we got home I told her the proper story of Brian and I, she was really understanding. "I thought there was something going on with you and Matt to be honest, that's why I was so surprised that Mr. Raux, um Brian is your boyfriend... Well despite the obvious surprise".

"Matt and I are just friends, but you know I think you two would be adorable together. I can tell he thinks you're cute" I smiled.

"You think so?" She beamed.   

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