5: Getting To Know Him.

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When the class was dismissed Luke and I detoured to our lockers to put away our books and to grab our lunch before heading to the detention room.

"Was it just me or does Mr. Raux look really familiar to you?" I asked Luke.

He had always been good with faces, unlike me who couldn't even recognise my Dad if he was standing fifteen meters away.

He took a moment to think "You know now that you mention I do think I've seen him somewhere, I can't really remember where though".

The rest of the crew and Mr. Raux where already in the room. He was at the desk but we all sat on the other side of the room for a quick discussion.

"So what's the deal? Is he cool or does he have to go?" Sam asked.

"He's cool" I answered right away.

"I think cool is an understatement" Luke agreed.

"All I know is Shakira was right for once. That's a good looking guy" Amy said we all looked at her "What? I'm into girls but I still know an attractive guy when I see one. Don't act like you guys don't see it". She was right of course, Mr. Raux was indeed gorgeous.

"Anyway you guys should have been there. He totally shut down Shakira and half of the female students in our class" I told them.

"It was awesome" Luke added.

Just then we heard a stomach growl from the direction of the teacher's desk. "Someone is hungry" Elise laughed.

"I wasn't expecting to host a detention on my first day so I didn't pack my lunch" Mr. Raux defended.

I looked at my lunch, a chicken and salad roll which I had begun to eat and an untouched apple. I picked up the apple and called out "Here catch!" before tossing it towards him.

He caught it easily and looked at it as an amused smile crossed his lips "That's so cliché" He teased.

"Oh shut up, it's the only thing I have. Unless you want a semi-eaten roll that is" I responded, humoured by his reaction.

"This is fine. Thank you" He took a bite of the apple. "I think we should get to know one another more since it seems like I'll be spending a lot of time with you all" He said after a while.

"I know that you're an English teacher and you don't tolerate school girl crushes" Luke noted.

"Very good Lucas, you get an A plus for listening. I think that it's cool how you guys and Ms. Simmons are on a first name basis. So I'm going to let you all call me by my first name during detention too" Mr. Raux announced.

"That's just because Jade is Kate's cousin" Elise informed.

"Well just because I'm a cool teacher you can call me Brian" He grinned.

We decided to play a question game where someone would ask a question and everyone would have to answer. Though the only one I found out anything I didn't already know about was Brian. We found out that he was 24, currently single and had never been engaged or married. He had no pets, played the drums and has a brother named Caleb who he always dyes his hair all sorts of colours with.

Instead of naming hair colours he had tried out he decided to show us some photos a lot of them were with his brother Caleb, both with coloured hair, even at some points their hair was actually rainbow, he even had glow in the dark hair at one stage.

"And finally our most common hair colours. Blue and red, I'm the fire and Caleb is the ice" Brian announced as he turned his phone once again in our direction.  

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