25: All Of You.

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I awoke as usual to find Brian with an erection, he was right about it being an everyday thing. Today would be our last day together as Dad was coming home tonight to celebrate his new job and to start packing. I sighed as I thought about everything that the move would complicate and how much I'd miss spending time with my friends and Brian, even Caleb.

I'd miss seeing Brian everyday even when just going back to my house for the time between moves. "What's on your mind?" Brian questioned.

"I was just thinking this is my last day of staying here" I sighed.

"It has been a great month" Brian nodded. I kissed him then to shut him up, I didn't want to think about leaving him. The kiss intensified quickly. "This isn't our usual morning routine" Brian commented with a grin.

As our kiss continued I began to run my hand down his naked torso slowly, feeling his six pack along the way. My hand reached the waist band of his boxer shorts and I pushed my fingers under it.

"What are you doing?" Brian asked startled as he pulled my hand away.

I rested my chin on his chest and looked up at his face innocently "I just thought that maybe this morning I could be the one to take care of you" I told him.

"I love you Riley but I want you to be certain this is what you want. I don't want you doing this just because you're nervous about moving" Brian declared.

"I am nervous but I do want this Brian. I've wanted this since I met you. I love you and I'm ready" I promised.

He smiled at me "I've wanted this just as long. I wish you could have been my first".

"Neither of us are innocent" I said as I kissed him again full of passion. This time when my hands reached his boxers he didn't stop me.   

Things escalated from there, I won't say the details but a hand job soon led to actually having sex.

We lay on the bed together, sweaty and naked, breathing heavily after the most amazing love making. It beat all my expectations. It had been perfect in every way.

"That was" Brian breathed, but he stopped there as he was at loss of words.

"Amazing" I filled in.

"Brilliant, Exceptional, Perfect" Brian smiled.

"Are you just going through all the synonyms?" I giggled slightly "I love you".

"I love you more" He stated, kissing my forehead. "Let's have a shower".

So we went for a shower together where we once again made soapy and steamy love. Now we had crossed this line I didn't want to stop. The magic that we felt when we kissed only seemed to intensify during intercourse, we were utterly connected. 

We heard a knock on the front door and paused a moment. "Guys. It's Caleb!" We heard a voice call down the hall.

Both of us shrugged. "We'll be out soon!" Brian called back.

We finished up in the shower and quickly dried then got dressed. With still damp hair we went to greet Caleb.

He took one look at us and grinned "You two had sex didn't you?"

"What? No" Brian jokingly scoffed.

"You have the goofiest grins right now. I'm happy for you both, really. But I do hope you used protection" Caleb stated.

"Of course we did" I confirmed.  

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