10: Camp.

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Our bus pulled into camp and as soon as the doors opened, we all pooled out, wanting to finally stretch our legs after sitting for the past five hours.

We were greeted by the camp staff who quickly showed us to our rooms. Each room could hold six people and since Sam and Luke were homosexual we were able to pull a few strings and they were allowed to bunk in with us. Our room was right next to Jades and a few doors down from Brian's.

Unlike a lot of camps all the bedrooms were in one spot, not the usual separate buildings for different genders.

We were given ten minutes to sort out which bed we wanted and to put away some things. But after the time was up we went to the dining and assembly hall to have lunch and to be assigned into groups of 10 since there were only 40 students.

Jade, Brian and two of the camp staff would be the group leaders however every group also had an assistant leader.

Sam, Amy and Luke were put into Jades group. Kate and Elise where put into a group with one of the camp staff members, David. I got put into Brian's group which otherwise consisted of Shakira, her ex-boyfriend Matt, his best friend Nate and their friends Tess, Jessica, Grace, Hannah, Bianca and Rebecca. Our assigned staff member was a guy in his mid-20's his name was Tom.

"If you ever have a problem and you need help then go straight to your group leader, they will be there for you around the clock" The camps owner, Mary stated.

"Oh I'll need plenty of help" Shakira winked directly at Brian. I'd never understand how she could broadcast her crush on him so openly, it made her look so desperate, not to mention how inappropriate it was.

I rolled my eyes "Please, the only help you need is a straitjacket and padded cell if you even think Brian is interested in you" I groaned.

"Brian?" She questioned my use of his first name.

"Mr. Raux" I corrected. "Ms. Simmons is Kate's cousin and she told us his first name".

After lunch we got a tour of the areas that we were allowed in during our free time and then we got to spend the rest of the afternoon as we pleased as the group activities wouldn't begin until tomorrow.

The following day began at 7am we were given an hour to get ready before breakfast and then we were to sort ourselves into our groups and begin the activities.

For my group the first activity was an agility course, I went first and was surprised at how easy it was, since it looked pretty tough and I had never been very good at sports. We had to do the course one by one so I sat on a log with Brian to wait for everyone to finish.

"I'm glad you're in my group, at least I have someone to talk to and keep you know who off my back" Brian told me.

"For that I'm glad I'm in this group, but I will admit it would be better if I had at least one friend in it that wasn't my teacher" I said.

"Especially since they all have someone in their group" He nodded "I bet you'd prefer Jade to be your group leader too right?"

"I wish I was in a group with them but I can't leave you alone with a majority of girls who drool over the mere thought of you" I grinned. Sad thing is, I was part of that majority.

"You are the only girl in this group that isn't drooling over me" He agreed. I stayed silent 'if only he knew' I thought. "Why is it you don't act like them?" He asked unexpectedly.

I shrugged "Kate and Elise don't act like it either, I guess we look deeper than attractiveness".

"So, what do you think of me? Honestly" He questioned. It seemed like an odd question.

"You're a good person who cares about others, you have a great sense of humour and you make a great friend-" I began.

"Friend zoned by a student? Ouch" Brian acted hurt.

"I never said that. Plus you're actually teacher zoned" I confessed.

"What does that mean?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

That I would totally give you a chance if you weren't my teacher. Yeah I was NOT going to tell him that. "I have no idea" I laughed.

"You are such a weirdo" He smiled.

"Mm, but you love me" I giggled.

He pretended to think it over and then he made a 'little' gesture with his hand. "Maybe, just a little bit" he jokingly responded as he joined in the laughter.

"I might be a weirdo but you're a dork" I grinned.

A shadow cast over us and someone cleared their throat. We stopped laughing and looked at Shakira who was standing with her arms crossed over her chest in front of us "Care to share what is so funny?" She demanded.

"We were just discussing a prank that Riley and her friends pulled on me in detention" Brian lied.

"I should have known it'd be something pathetic seeing as Riley is involved" She rolled her eyes and walked off.

When everyone completed the agility course we made our way to the next activity which was abseiling everyone except Jacinta had a go at it, she was afraid of heights so was allowed to sit the activity out. I found it fun and we were allowed a few turns each and then got to race one another down the wall seeing who could go faster, even Brian and Tom had a go at it. Given his experience Tom won the races but only narrowly against Matt who was the school jock.

Though the activities had been fun I was grateful when lunch time came around so I could see the group, we sat at a table with Jade and Brian.

"How was it?" Luke questioned as I sat next to him and Brian sat next to me.

"Pretty good actually, Shakira has been pretty manageable and the activities were good fun" I admitted.

"I wish you were in our group Ri, it must suck being alone with all the popular kids" Elise noted.

"I have Brian, and it's not as if I could leave him alone with Shakira" I reminded in a joking manner.

"That's true, so which activities did you have? We had abseiling and the zip line" Sam questioned.

"We had abseiling too, we have the zip line next" Brian replied.

"It's really fun, we had it too" Kate beamed.

"But it's a partner thing" Amy said giving me an apologetic look.

"Oh great" I sighed "It better be fun then".

"Jacinta won't be doing it so maybe I could go with you" Brian suggested and nudged my arm causing me to spill my drink onto myself it was raspberry cordial and immediately stained my top. "Sorry" He said, but he was laughing about it.

"I'll get you back for this" I threatened which only made Brian laugh harder. 

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