28: Shakira Returns.

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I shut my locker and turned around to come face to face with the last person I expected, nor wanted to see at school. "Hi loser" Shakira smirked.

"Weren't you expelled?" I groaned trying to get past her but she shoved me back against the locker.

"Transferred, there is a difference. But who cares about that, I'm back now" She boasted.

"Let me guess, you're going to use this time to make my life hell?" I rolled my eyes.

"Correct" She said "You made it so I had to be transferred to a lame school where I had to act like a loser, the popular people had 'no room' for me and I had to be nice to everyone, even the freaks like you. So now I'm back to make your life as hellish as you made mine, and to get my man. Maybe we can be sister in laws someday" she announced.

"Great can I go now" I fake yawned.

"Shakira don't you think you should just let this go?" Mia asked quietly.

"What has happened to this place in my absence? Everyone had become so soft. But I'm back now and so ready to take back my throne. I can make you one of them Mia" Shakira threatened.

"S-sorry" Mia stuttered and hung her head.

"The impossible has happened. You have become an even bigger bitch, someone should give you a medal for your ability. You don't attack your friends like that. No matter how nasty you are" I stated and shoved past her. Earning a grateful smile from Mia.

Oh joy! How fun it would be to have Shakira back. The only worry I had about it though was that Brian and I would have to be much more careful. I still don't know if she truly fell for Caleb being my boyfriend, so she may be watching Brian and I closely.

I decided to text Brian: Did you know Shakira was back? 

Brian: I was only told of her return today. I thought they would have at least gave me a few days notice considering I am the teacher who had her transferred. I was going to wait to tell you in person.

Me: Be warned she wants two things here, you and to turn my life into a living hell once again... Who wants to date a teacher anyway? People and their stupid crushes.

Brian: Thank god you aren't one for petty school girl crushes ;) I love you.

Thankfully most people seemed to ignore Shakira's return, sure she was popular once again but everyone else wasn't about to revert back to her cruel ways so easily.

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