16: Meeting Caleb.

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At 4:20pm Dad dropped me off at Jade's house with my overnight bag.

"Thanks for dropping her off Sean. I'll bring Riley home tomorrow afternoon" Jade promised.

"Sure thing" Dad nodded then turned to me "You and Kate have fun".

Dad had only been gone for 5 minutes when Brian pulled into the driveway. "Ready to go?" He asked.

"Hell yes I can't wait to meet Caleb!" I answered enthusiastically.

"Caleb is excited to see you too" Brian laughed as he held the passenger door open for me like a true gentleman.

When we reached his house there was a car just like Brains only it was sky blue and not red.
"Fire and ice, right?" I asked remembering how Brian said they used to love dying their hair different colours but especially blue and red.

Brian opened the front door and we entered his house making our way to the lounge room where Caleb was sprawled out on the couch watching TV, well until he saw me and immediately jumped to his feet.

"Riley! It's so great to finally meet you!" He cheered as he gave me a huge welcoming hug.

I laughed slightly "Likewise, Brian has told me so much about you".

"Oh? He never shuts up about you so I thought that he'd spend every moment you two had together by making out or something" Caleb joked. "Anyway have you told your Dad about the two of you yet?"

I lightly shook my head "Riley's father has a high respect of how I handled my female students interest in me and Riley doesn't want to ruin the respect he has for me nor does she want him to think I am taking advantage of her" Brian informed.

"Brian's teaching career is at risk if Dad takes it badly. When I work out the best way to tell him I will" I added.

"That's tough" Caleb agreed.

Caleb and I spent about an hour talking and getting to know one another. We seemed to get along really well.

"What do you want for tea? I haven't been shopping so there isn't much choice" Brian came to ask. He presented us with the two things he held in his hands, sausages and burgers.

"Can't we go out to eat?" Caleb questioned.

"We can't be seen in public together" Brian reminded his brother while looking at me. 

"So we'll go out of town, I saw a little pub about 40 minutes away, that should be far enough right?" Caleb reasoned.

"I'm with Caleb on this one, no one we know should be there when we have so many pubs in town. But if someone does see us we'll blame Caleb, say he turned up while you were tutoring me and wanted to go for tea or something" I said, not the most believable lie but as long as they didn't think about it too much it would be fine.

"OK fine" Brian sighed defeated.

So we took Caleb's car and drove the 40 minutes to a small pub and bistro, there were only a handful of cars in the parking lot and it seemed really quiet, we went in and ordered our meals. Caleb was getting us drinks when Shakira walked into the pub. She immediately spotted Brian and I sitting across from one another and came over to us.

"I knew it! I knew there was something going on with you two. Wait until the board of education hears about this!" She threatened.

"I wouldn't jump to a conclusion as drastic as that, a false claim could get you in a lot of trouble" Brian responded.

"Well then, what is going on here?" She crossed her arms, waiting for an answer.

Brian and I looked at one another not sure how to reply. That's when Caleb reached us, he put the drinks down then kissed me on my cheek.

"There you go babe" He smiled at me.

"Who-?" Shakira questioned, utterly confused as to what was going on.

"Caleb, I'm Riley's boyfriend and Brian's Brother" Caleb introduced himself "And you are?"

"Caleb meet Shakira, a former student of mine" Brian said.

"Shakira" Caleb acted like he was deep in thought and then gasped "Oh! You're the bitch who made Riley's life hell. I take back my kind introduction, I'm Caleb, and you're a bitch. Please leave us to eat our food. Bye" He waved her away. With that Shakira left us alone, practically storming off.

"Thank you so much for saving us" I whispered as he sat beside me.

"Anything for you darling" Caleb joked.

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