7: Two Months Later.

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 No matter how hard I tried to change them, my feelings for Brian just wouldn't go away, not even the slightest bit. In fact I had fallen for him more and more each day, as I got to know him I realised that the real version of Brian was even better than the one that I had dreamt up.

Every day I still wondered if he remembered that kiss in the mall. Wondered if he remembered me and if that kiss was as good for him as it had been for me. This thought also riddled me with anxiety.

Luke and I sat in English class talking among ourselves. "Lucas and Riley, may I have your attention" Brian demanded. We both looked to where he was standing at the front of the room "Great, now I have everyone's attention I have some news. Ms. Simmons and I have arranged for a school camp, it's only open to our English classes and there's only 40 spots open so that means not everyone can attend. This camp has some great classes to help improve your writing skills and vocabulary" Brian announced.

Of course our group had known about the camp as soon as Brian and Jade had begun to discuss it so we were ready to just fill in the forms and hand them in.

"Boring" Hannah faked a yawn.

"However" Brian continued with a stern look in her direction "The camp also has some really fun activities like rock climbing, hiking and a zip line".

"Well I'll be there for sure if it means I get to spend some time with my favourite teacher" Shakira flirted.

Brian rolled his eyes then sarcastically said "Yes, Ms. Simmons is pretty great".

"I meant you, silly" She corrected him instantly, still using the flirty tone she seemed to use every time she addressed Brian.

Brian kept Shakira, Luke and I behind for insulting one another. Even though he didn't actually care that Luke and I were doing it he still had to act fair to the other students even if that other student did happen to be Shakira.

"How many times am I going to have to keep you lot behind for the same reason?" He demanded.

"I'm sorry Mr. Raux but they're just so annoying. Let me make it up to you?" Shakira pouted.

"How would you plan on doing that?" He questioned.

"I have a little something in mind" She winked and bit her lip.

"Oh, as do I" He replied in a low sexy voice. He then turned to us "Could you two excuse us?" He winked.

Luke and I looked at one another confused but exited the room anyway, Brian followed us to the door and pulled down the blind over the little window leaving only a slight gap, just enough for someone to be able to look through and not be noticed.

"This is a school you know, not a porn set" Luke stated to him. He scrunched his nose in disgust "And Shakira, really?"

Brian cracked a smile "That's not my plan at all I'm just going to have a little fun, piss her off a bit. Watch if you want" He informed before shutting the door.

Looking through the gap I watched as he made his way back to his desk, I noticed there was an apple on it that wasn't there before. "How cliché, an apple" I groaned.

"Well at least she waited 2 months to give him one and not on his first day" Luke joked.

"I was being nice" I defended and turned back to look through the gap.

Shakira was now standing right in front of Brian and was playing with his tie. Then she made a move to kiss him but he stepped away and opened up his desk draw, he pulled out a paint scrapper and handed it to her, immediately a frown plastered itself on her face.

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