5| Moving In

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Toni was moving in today. Cheryl was feeling very moody this quiet afternoon.

Toni was slowly easing her way into a friendship with Cheryl. The redhead would still have her moments where she doesn't want to be bothered by Toni and she would just tell Toni to fuck off.

But Toni just does as she wishes. She was like Cheryl, a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode. When Toni finally let all of it out, betty and Veronica were there.

*flashback 2 weeks after her dad's death*

Toni was sitting in the kitchen, her phone. Toni was strolling through pictures of her dad, hearing his voice made her extra sad.

She came across a video of her dad singing to her. His voice was one of her favorite sounds. Then something snapped in her. Her phone fell face-first onto the ground.

Betty glance over at her best friend, worry spread across her face.

"Toni?!" Veronica cried, running over to her best friend who was curled up in a ball in the corner. They both went to her side, shhing her.

Toni was screaming "dad!"Over and over, telling him to come back to her.

*end of flashback*

She just wants to be there when Cheryl needs to let it out because she knows how it feels to lose someone very important to them.

"Okay. This is Chief Casey. He makes the Royals breakfast, lunch, and dinner." The guard explains to Toni. He was giving her a grand tour of the castle.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Topaz. Your one lucky lady." He smiled politely, shaking Toni's hand.

"Thanks." Toni smiled. Casey was young-looking. He has brown hair, light blue eyes.

It reminded her of Cheryl's beautiful blue crystal eyes. (Cheryl with blue eyes is hot ngl)

They went to the bedrooms of the castle.

"The king says that you and Cheryl will share a room, it's just temporary until they get your bedroom fixed up." The guard explained.

"Okay, cool." Toni half-smiled. It looks like she won't be getting any sleep tonight. Maybe she'll sleep on the floor.

Once they were finished with the tour it was lunchtime.

Toni didn't know the hours or schedule of the castle so she didn't know what time lunch or dinner started.

Toni stayed in her and Cheryl's bedroom. Cheryl was downstairs eating lunch.

"Where's Toni?" Clifford asked. Cheryl shrugged, "I'm not her pet, I don't follow her around." Cheryl mumbled, eating her Caesar salad.

"Please go get Toni. Also, make her a schedule for the castles hours." The king ordered. They nodded.

One guard went to get Toni the other went to get a schedule printed.

"Ms. Topaz, it's lunchtime." He smiled. "Oh okay. I was getting hungry anyway." Toni chuckled.

They walked downstairs, entering the dining room. The guard went back to the side of the room. Toni went to sit down next to Cheryl.

"Good afternoon." Toni smiled at the Royals.

"Good afternoon. How is living here so far?" Penelope asked.

Cheryl rolled her eyes with a scoff. Toni ignored it. It didn't really bother Toni, she just let Cheryl be.

"It's good so far." Toni smiled, pouring dressing on her salad.

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