47| Christmas with the royals.

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4 months later

It was at that time if the year! The snow on the ground, lights hung on every light post on the streets.

Cheryl was usually cheery during this time of the year. She'd always hung up decorations with the girls.

Now she's doing just that, while Toni held 8 month old, Amari.

"Santa Claus is coming to town! Santa Claus is coming to town!" Addison sang along with the song.

Toni chuckled. Bouncing Amari on her legs as he giggled.

His hair was now brown and curly, just like Toni's. Cheryl was excited when she saw how well his hair grew in, she wanted brown-haired babies, now she finally has one.

Don't get her wrong, Addison and Adelaine's hair is beautiful but she just loved Amari's hair.

His blue eyes held the brown in it more boldly. You could see the brown swirl in them.

Toni finds herself falling in love with them all over again. She thought she loved them more when he was smaller but know it just blows Toni's mind.

His eyes reminded them of the earth. The blue the oceans and the brown the land.

Anyways, Christmas is the best holiday for the family of 5.

Mainly because Toni and Cheryl get to spoil their kids and each other.

They got everything that Addison and Adelaine asked for. Everything.

After all, they deserved it. They help out with Amari, help around the house, they're very obedient. They're good girls, so they deserve it.

"Why do we have to go to bed when Santa comes?" Adelaine asked placing a Christmas blob on the tree.

Cheryl rolled her eyes. They asked this question for days.

"Because. Santa doesn't want you to see him. So it's a surprise!" Toni answered for Cheryl, walking over to the girls.

Amari reached for Addison. "He wants you," Toni informed the girl. Addison held her small arms out so Toni could place the baby in them.

Toni handed Amari to his sister, watching as Addison held him with care.

The two parents smiled at the sight. "Wanna help us, mama?" Adelaine asked.

"Okay." Toni smiled, grabbing a blob.


"Okay. So Santa needs cookies!" Toni said.

Addison took out the cookie dough package. And Adelaine grabbed a tray that was on the table.

The girls were pretty tall for their age. They both had long legs like Cheryl, Toni would call them Bambi.A/N: if you don't know what Bambi is... did you really have a childhood???

Cheryl entered the kitchen, a smiling Amari in her arms.

"What is he so happy about?" Toni chuckled, buttering the tray. Addison and Adelaine drank the milk Toni placed on the table for them.

"He just got his diaper changed." Cheryl chuckled, placing him in his high chair.

"Do you want some milk?" Adelaine asked the baby.

Amari giggled , smacking the cup out of her hand.

Adelaine burst into tears. "He-He dropped m-my milk!" She sobbed.

"it's just Milk Adel." Addison snickered.

"No!" Adelaine sobbed.

Cheryl poured her some more milk, then wiped up the spot.

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