Chapter 12

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Hi everyone! This is where you will meet Kate. Now I don't associate Kate with any real character out there, I simply picked the name Kate because it is the first name that popped out in my head :-). She is the exact opposite of Pamela. She behaves more elegantly, talks softly, wears a lot of silk and pearls, and is the kind of girl who always had perfect hair any time of day. 


I will never drink again for the rest of my life.

Pamela tries to get up and feel like there's a million ants crawling inside her head and some of them starts to bite her brain mercilessly.

She immediately craves for some coffee. So she gets up, takes a quick shower and wears her jogging suit. She figures she can do a bit of a run later if she's able to shake off the hangover.

While walking toward the coffee shop, she remembers what happens last night. She had dinner with William, which is already weird enough, and then she got drunk and poured a drink on his head, which is even more messed up. She will never look at William's face again for the rest of her life.

Oh but the parade...... Shit. There's going to be a meeting later today too. Which she's supposed to come with good news that they'll be able to do the color run. But after what she did to William, maybe he has changed his mind.

Crap. Why did she have to do these things?

"Hey Pam," the barista greets her, "Good morning."

"Hey Jake," she says, "Good morning."

"The usual?" he asks

"Yes please, thanks."

Pamela stands near the pick-up station to wait for the drink. Then she feels someone taps her back.

"Hi gorgeous," Christian says, he's wearing the faculty shirt and jogging pants. Obviously he looks so darn handsome in sweat. "I saw you from the outside. You didn't return my call last night. Were you busy?"

"A little bit," she says, "Would you like some coffee?"

"No thanks, I'm good with this," he lifts his water bottle, "So are you busy now? I was thinking I can go to your room, have shower there and spend the rest of the day there. What do you say?"

"I have parade meeting at 3."

"That's fine, when you go to your meeting, I'll go to soccer practice."

"Here's your coffee, Pam," Jake says

"Thanks Jake. How much?"

"Oh it's on me today," Jake smiles, "No worries."


"Yes, I just wonder how many number of cups would it take for you to exchange it with your phone number," he says, chuckling.

Pamela chuckles, "Oh Jake, how..."

"Hey easy man," Christian says, "I'm standing right here."

"Oh I'm sorry, are you her boyfriend?"

"Let's go Pam," Christian pulls her hand and takes her out of the coffee shop.

"Geez," he says, "Can you believe that guy?"

"What's your problem?" Pamela starts laughing, "He was making his move. Leave him alone!"

"Not in front of me!" he says, "Pam I told you. When you're with me, we're together," he says and he squeezes Pamela's hand even harder.

"Hey guys," someone says.

Pamela and Christian turn their heads and they see William and Kate.


"Hey! William and..." Christian pause

"Kate." I hiss

"Kate! Hi William and Kate, good morning."

"Hi Christian," Will says, and he looks at me, "Hi Pamela," he says politely. Actually nodding his head along.

"Hi," I say

"We actually haven't met.. You're Pamela Pollak, right?" Kate gives out her hand toward me, "I'm Kate."

I shake her hand and smile, "Hi."

"So this is the girl that finally earned the title, yes Chris?" Kate says to Christian, smiling. "Congratulations Pam."

Christian and I look at each other.

"Um well," Christian says, "We don't really title relationships here, Kate. We're comfortable with whatever it is we have, right gorgeous?" he looks at me and smiles.

Then comes the awkward pause.

"So I'll see you in the parade meeting later, Pamela?" Will asks me.

Christian lifts her eyebrows, "What are you doing in parade meeting?"

"Yeah are you in the committee now?" Kate says

Will and I look at each other.

"He has now become the reason the parade will actually happen," I say, "Will you should explain to Kate later."

"Wow, what did you do?" Kate says

"Let's go," I say to Christian

"Yeah," Christian says, squeezing my hand again and swing it a bit, "See you guys around."

We walk off and Chris says, "Gee, I don't know why but their relationship looks very boring to me."

I chuckle.

"What did William do to the parade? Why is he now in parade committee? That's very odd. Is he hitting on you, I get the feeling that he is giving you this attention these days."

I look at Christian, "Really? Awhile ago it's Jake, and now you're after William. William the effing Prince of England hitting on me? Seriously."

He chuckles, "Anyone with a pair of eyes and a functioning penis would hit on you, baby."

"Oh thank you! How kind of you."

He laughs, "But I'm the winner. I'm the one winning you."

Then he squeezes my hand again.


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