Chapter 22

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The night of the parade is celebrated by the auction night. The whole football team and some girls, including me, will be auctioned for one date. The money will be used to cover the rest of the color run cost.

I've been getting a lot of praises for the event today. Suddenly I'm super famous in campus, people just approach me and thank me because they had so much fun. Which I'm glad. It serves me well as a legacy before I graduated.

I am wearing a short LBD for the auction night. So the rule is, the person will be getting on stage and people will just shout their bid. At first there were concerns that some people may not get bid at all, and it'd be too embarassing for them, that's why the committee chose the people very selectively and we put such hard liquor going around. Hard liquor will make people do crazy things, I am sure.

"Can I bid for you?" Christian asks

"Well that would be difficult because you are also being auctioned," I say. 

"Why can't you bid for me and I bid for you so we end up with each other?"

I chuckle, "You're predicted to take home the most money, babe. There is no way I am going to stop that." I pause and say, "Besides, why would I pay to kiss you when I can do this anytime I want." I jump and wrap my legs around his waist, and I start kissing him like mad.

"You're the best, you know that," he says after we kiss, our eyes are locked into each other. God, he's so handsome my internal parts tingle.

I smirk and get down from him, "See you later."


Christian was bid by probably 30 women. Then it all came down to two rich girls. One of them ended up with...

"50 grand!" Lauren shouts in huge disbelief, "Oh my God we could have pay the whole goddamn parade from Christian alone!"

I smile, not surprised. I actually won't be surprised if Christian was to take home 100 grand. You really should never underestimate desperate girls with a lot of money.

"Now finally! The woman who made all of this possible... The woman I would bet a million bucks if I had the money... PAMELA POLLAK!"

The room goes wild. Lauren pushes me to get on stage. I walk, feeling a bit embarassed.

"Hi Pamela, you look hot," the MC says, "So how much money will we spend to have one night with her? The bet opens now!"

A sea of numbers were thrown on air. And as the MC becomes overwhelmed, someone says in a voice that's a lot of louder than the others, "10 grand."

The room becomes quiet. Everyone is turning their heads around to see whose voice just talking. One of the phone-bid receivers raise her hand and says, "I have a phone bid right now. 10 grand."

The MC looks confused, almost dumb. "So.... Is anyone going to top that?"

The girl on the phone says again, "The phone bidder says even if someone is going to top that, he's ready to go up to 20 grand."

"Holy shit," was the voice I last heard from among the audience.

"Pamela Pollak is sold for 10 grand!!!!" the MC shouts.


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