PART 9 Two Cutie Got Jealous!

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Hello Minna-San!
Sorry, this two weeks I have been hiatus. are you guys waiting for my stories? First thing first thank you for you patience for waiting this stories and thank you for reading 'it's the true you'... Hngg.. can't hold it anymore...(*gonna burst for excitement well hope you guys like this part stories.
Well then...

*Normal Pov
When the two couples have been embrassed in the front of their parents(*Soon:v), the two of them went to date, Midorima Have plan the date on amusement park, well in the first time they went there it didn't work out because they have met Akashi, went the two couples enter the entrance, many people stared at Kuroko, why? Well even tough he dressed casual, like blue white sweater and his yellow scarf it's a perfect match, but more importantly his face and his skin, then his blue colour hair it was long and yet was very beautiful, when Midorima knew the reason why so many people stared, he hurriedly pull Kuroko shoulder and then they got really closer.(*Midorima been jealous:v, that simple.)

*Midorima Pov

I already know it will happen if we got here and got stared but they give them the most attention is Tetsuya, he really beautiful, well it's not like my first time met Tetsuya, but he always beautiful, he can attract girl even guy.

I got little jealous of them who looked at my Tetsuya. After there are more of them watched Tetsuya and I can hear some people whisper and they said

"Woahh.. look at that guy, that have been walking beside him don't you think he very beautiful."

"Yeah... He kinda my type you know even his face really attractive."

Okay!!! My patience already gone now, I reached at Tetsuya shoulder and pull him closer to me and I feel that Tetsuya got suprised a little of my action, but he gripped at my hand, then I glared at the two guy that have been whispered about Tetsuya, even tough I didn't put the word, the two of them startled as if they know what I'm trying to say.(*like: He was mine don't touch Him!), and then we continuing walk and enjoy the date at the amusement park.

I will not telling my Tetsuya that I got jealous because of many people glanced of him, I will hide it for myself.

*Kuroko Pov

When we enter the entrance together many people stared at us, but the most important is, many girls stare at Shintarou-kun, well he really is the coolest, and very kind, I got a little jealous, I'm feel sorry for him for act such a child but it's the true I got jealous of how many girls got blushed when they stare at him, well I'm his lover now, and then I heard the girl whispering

"ne.. nee.... (*hmm I didn't know how to explain this word but it almost like *hey.. sorry if I got it wrong:v) do you see that green haired guy he so cool isn't?"

"You are right, I wonder that guy have a girlfriend yet?"

"Beats me, but with his cool face like that, maybe he already had one."

He already have a lover and that it's me, I'm growing pale when the girl whispered about that, when I'm still in absent mind suddenly *grab.. !? Shintarou-kun suddenly grab my shoulder and pull me closer to him... ah I already fallen with him even deeper now, then I'm holding Shintarou-kun hand very tight then we continuing walking around the amusement park and enjoyed many rided, finally we go to the ferris wheel, when we sit in front of each other, Shintarou-kun looked pissed somehow is there something wrong or did I do something so he got pissed? I didn't know so I want to ask him



"Why are you looking so pissed right now, is it my fault?"

"No, it's not your fault Tetsuya."

"But... you looked really pissed right now..." ah.. this is bad I didn't know how to made conversation suddenly Shintarou-kun hugged me tightly.


"Hahhh... why you are so cute and beautiful Tetsuya you are mine only mine, you always by my side and we already holding hands just to show of those guys that you and I already dating, but they always said 'Woah.. that guy is really beautiful.' 'He really is my type' and more of them."

When Shintarou-kun said those word suddenly his face is clearly red. Eh? Is that mean..

"Shintarou-kun you are jealous?"

"Wha!? No it's not like I'm being jealous about that but.......... Yeah.. you are right I'm jealous okay!!"

After all Shintarou-kun is the coolest!


"Hm? What's wrong Tetsuya"

*kiss... "mmh!?" "Mm..*pant.. I like you Shintarou-kun.."

"*pant... *pant.. Tetsuya... mmh!" We shared kiss it's the first time I attacked someone like that but I can't hold it anymore because of Shintarou-kun..

"*pant...*pant..." "*pant.... why so suddenly Tetsuya?"

"I'm sorry Shintarou-kun"

"Huh? Why?"

"I got jealous of the girl that have been stare at you just earlier, sorry for being childish.." I'm looked apologized, but suddenly I hear Shintarou-kun sighed

"*sigh... Tetsuya you did nothing wrong but I'm happy that you jealous over me too, I'm so happy you know"

"hnngg!..." my hearts is very loud

"*fufu... your heart is beating so fast"

"don't talk about it Shintarou-kun, your heart is beating fast too."

"heh.. Allright... Allright then Tetsuya can I kiss you again?"

"Ngh.. yes.." "Then... *kiss..."

"mmh!..*pant...*pant Shintarou-kun..."

"mm... Tetsuya, I love you too, so much." We shared kiss and that was a beautiful night.

Midorima:" have you been wandering around all day?"

Me :" No... I have been doing my best until now you know?"

Midorima :" no I think you just want lazing around..."

Me :" No!!! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!"

Kuroko :" Midorima-kun don't blame her anymore she already doing her best."

Me :" Kuroko......😳"

Midorima :" But Kuroko."

Kuroko :" *glare!😡"

Midorima :" I'm sorry..."

Hello! I got confused already when I wrote this part still I'm just gonna do my best, thank you for reading this story also be patience for the updated next stories, well then have a great time...

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