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Hello, do you have good time? I made an update, my spirit has came back.

And ready for the next update sorry for the late you you all like it?

*Murasakibara Pov

"*mumble... I wonder Aka-chin is coming here too." I have never attended to anyone party before, I didn't very like crowd, but I heard Kuro-chin said Aka-chin will be there too so I have been here waiting for him. He's very late I think the wedding will come to an end now. When I'm still sulking about the toughts that Aka-chin didn't come here, suddenly I hear a sound yelling.

"AKASHI YOU ARE PREGNANT!?????" huh? Who was pregnant??? also Aka-chin has arrived I will have to greet him I miss him, so much. When I reach him suddenly, my mind blowed up, like there was a fire works.

"Really Shintarou, you are really lose your cool just now, so what's the problem I have a baby with Atsushi."
Aka-chin was have a baby with me, I'm so happy, I will be a father soon.

"Aka-chin..." I'm call him with deep voice, but I see Aka-chin body flinch, like was got a shock from electric, so cute.

"*gasp!" Why did he all panicked over, it's not like I want to eat him. (*in the deep at his tought he want to have him in his private room.)

"Murasakibara-kun, you came here, also did you heard everything??" Kuro-chin approach me, I'm still call him like that because is pain when I have to call two Mido-chin I didn't like it, so I'm still call his family name.

"Kuro-chin, I have heard it I'm kinda shocked for the news tought, that Aka-chin is pregnant with my baby." Aka-chin been embrassed from his face until his ear are all red, it's look like candy apple I want to licked it. (*hold on now Murasakibara Σ(□︿□  ) )

"Aka-chin, look at me we need to to talk.." I made him face to me, but he didn't want to.

"Urrgggghhh....no...h..." so cute.

"No?? (*Murasakibara make the kicked puppy face)."♡♡<<(^-^♪)

"Urrgh...I..i...i..Atsushi..." it's look like Aka-chin didn't have any word to said to me.

"Murasakibara-kun maybe you should find some quiet place to have conversation." Suddenly Kuro-chin suggested that we have to have a private conversation, I'm agreed with him.

"You are right Kuro-chin, then please excuse us and Congratulations Kuro-chin." After I'm send my gratitude, I'm going back to have a conversation with Aka-chin.

We are arrived at the quite place Aka-chin still silent. Well it doesn't matter, I hug him really tight, and that suprise him. It's really been so long, I love his warm body in my arm. (Imagine Murasakibara hug, probably it would more like a fluffy hug???)

"Atsushi.. wait... a ..sec... I can't breath...." oops maybe I used to much energy.

"Aka-chin, are you pregnant???"


*Akashi Pov

"Aka-chin, are you pregnant??" I know that I have to told him sooner but this timing is too suddennn!!!

When I'm about to open my mouth suddenly.

"Aka-chin!!! I'm... happy so...happy your pregnancy, is because of me right?? Are we will have a family together??" I didn't know that Atsushi can make a happy face like that, he hug me really tight. But still, I'm feel a little hesitate.

"Are you really happy about it, and didn't gross about it?"

"Of course not, Aka-chin let's find a home together, I want to lived with at the same roof, I will make our family happy." He really a straight foward one, I can't handle him, but thanks to him I guess, the fact that I feel like this is because of him.

"Sure, but don't hurt me even once, if you do, I didn't forgive you, or your life will gone. " I said with a scary tone but Atsushi just put up his smiling face.

"Of course, I wouldn't do it, because I have been love with you, and I will always give you more love." Ugh... this... guy is really a dangerous one. (*if I have to point out who was more dangerous I pick Akashi, because he can be the most scary number 1 wife. *Hehe... didn't know why I point that out. )

Atsushi gave me a hug again, and then we share a kiss between us, I didn't want this go to an end, I want to stay at his side, when we done, we back for the wedding ceremony again and dance a waltz, Atsushi is really tall, but it didn't matter I still can reach his neck, after that I have a really sweet memory.

This part is done sorry if it came out so short but I have tried my best well see you in the next part, see you then bye, don't forgot to take care your health.

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