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Ola ola- How are you all doing? hope it going well *kuku
Hope you guys like the story~

*Midorima House

"Tetsuya we are here now, let's get out now. *Kiss"

Midorima waking Kuroko With Gently Kiss his Forehead, And it worked

"ermmm.... Shintarou-kun... Are we at your house now...?"

"Yeah... we are here now so let's go to my house now.. "

"Okay Shintarou-kun." When they already in the house Kuroko and Midorima got a little suprise

"Welcome Home" they have been surrounded by Midorima Parents! (*Well is Midorima House After all of course they Parents at the same house too.[ovo] hmmmmmmm... okay let's continued.)

"*Sigh....You guys still didn't sleep yet? (*Midorima)"

"That's so cold! We all waited to come home yet you didn't answer it and start Nagging at Us!(*Midorima Mother)"

"*Sigh.. I'm back Mother, Father."

"Excuse me..(*Kuroko)"

"Kyaaaa! Honey he bring his baby angel here! Come in come in Tetsuya(*Midorima Mother)"

"Ye.... yeah..(*Tetsuya)" Kuroko Face are red like a red Apple Now.

"Welcome to our house Tetsuya (*Midorima Father)"

"Thank you Uncle.(*Kuroko)"

"Tetsuya no need for formalities we are family now and please don't call us uncle and aunt, you can call me 'Mother' or 'Mom' and call my husband 'Father', no need to be shy around us too.(*Midorima Mother)"

"Al...Allright Thank you for having me today Mother Father. (*Kuroko)"

"Your welcome Tetsuya, come in now I will serve you some tea now if you want.(*Midorima Father)"

"I would gladly love too father.(*Kuroko)"

"You are so cute Tetsuya, Let your mother give you some mid-night snack, are you love strawberry Daifuku?(*Midorima Mother)"

"Please don't, probably it will trouble you Mother I will help you prepare it too.(*Kuroko)"

"It's not a bother and please Have a seat now, okay?*Smile(*Midorima Mother)"

"Bu..but...(*Kuroko)" when Kuroko want to go with Midorima Mother Suddenly Midorima held his Hands.

"It's okay Tetsuya my Mother Stubbornness is overload even i can't stand it so let's have a seat.(*Midorima)"

"I hear You Shintarou!(*Midorima Mother)"

"O.. Okay ..Shintarou-kun." They have go to the sofa and have a chat then 5 minutes passed Midorima Parents are Join their conversation too and then the conversation been finished. The two couples have been in the Midorima room.

*Kuroko Pov

Wow Shintarou-kun room it's so tidy and full of books too, ermm?? Is this a light novel?. "What's wrong Tetsuya?"

"Midorima-kun.. you have read a light novel too?"

"Tetsuya are you still call me like that? But yeah I read them too."

"Oh!! I'm sorry Shintarou-kun maybe it's become a habit. But.. * giggle.."

"Why are you giggling right now?"

"Well I just tought when we first met."

"*sigh why are you remember it?"

"Because Shintarou-kun is so cute you even brought the lion-San oh.. there it is here Shintarou-kun use it."

"I... if.. you insist then.." Shintarou-Kun put the lion-san in his hand... then... it's really suit him after all

"*fufu.. Shintarou-kun is so cute."

"Don't laugh at me Tetsuya Sensei.*Grin."

"*fufu.. Ahem.. hmm.. why those guy bring some weird stuff what is this about?;;" I'm trying acted when I first met I wonder if Shintarou-kun still remember it.

"..... heh- Is all about oha-asa lucky item this day." He answer it, he still remember it, I'm glad, suddenly

"by the way I didn't know your name yet. my name is Midorima Shintarou, nice to meet you."

"My name is Kuroko... Kuroko Tetsuya Nice to meet you Midorima-kun.*Hug"

I hug him he really warm "Hey, don't suddenly hug me, let's hurry and get some sleep." "But I want to hug Shintarou-kun like this and then sleep." "*Sigh... Allright, Allright let's sleep like this." "Yeah, Good night Shintarou-kun. *chu" "Whaaa!?" I'm feel sleepy now tomorrow might be a bright day.

*At the popular coffee shop

Mini :" Hello Tanaka you are not busy with the demon?"

Tanaka:" it's Allright probably, hope that I'm still save when I'm come back, but I think you are amazing person Mini-Sama."

Mini :" Really!? "

Tanaka :" Really, because I have never seen who can fight Akashi-Sama, so I think you are amazing."

Mini :" Thank you so much for thinking like that, I just give him a lesson, and don't let him think that he can use me as he want to.. Muhahahaha!"

*At Akashi Office

Akashi:" *Shiver.... I don't feel so good..."

*At Midokuro House

Midorima:" (*sensed something bad will happen to Akashi.) I hope he still alive."

Kuroko:" Midorima-kun? "

Midorima:" ah.. sorry I will help you now Kuroko."

Yeah! This part is done and I want to say thank you to you all for support and added this story so touching! *Maybe to much 0v0
Well I will make it to the next stories so it's time to say bye bye * I don't want to leave yet😳
Hope you guys doing well always stay healthy!
See you guys in the next part-

It's the true you Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora