PART 11 Meeting a New Friends!🐶

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Hi~ in this part, is about Our angels found a new friends (*Nigou :v)*fufu... well hope you guys like it then have fun~~~😂

*Normal Pov
On the way home Kuroko already finished his teaching, and he was very happy because of Midorima-kun, he glad that Midorima is his lovers.

When Tetsuya Still Walking suddenly he met Kagami and furihata they are staring the box,but the few minutes later Kagami run away from those boxes and furihata laughed, Kuroko didn't know what happened so he approach them and said "Kagami-kun why did you run away from that box?" And then Furihata approach Kuroko and Kagami, he holding something, is a puppy🐕

"Bwahahaha! I didn't know that you afraid of the dog"

"Shut Up! Please put him away!!!"

"Don't wanna, he looked so cute right Kuroko?"

"Yeah, he really cute"

"Right? Haha"

"Please Put Him away or throw him now!!!" When the three of them still bickering suddenly the more of friends are joins

"Oi.. Tetsu what are you doing here?"

"Aomine-kun. Furihata-kun and Kagami kun just found a little puppy"

"a Puppy? Are they want to raised it?"

"I didn't know, how are you doing Aomine-kun?"

"As usual I'm still busy of many case and today I just caught the culprit at neighborhood"

"Otsukare-(*the meaning of this word is like: Good work~)" 

"Yeah~" Suddenly more of them are coming "KUROKO-CCHI!!! I miss you~*Hug"

"Kise-kun you hug me to tight I can't breath"

"Oi Kise! Release him you are squeeze him to tight." Aomine helped Kuroko from Kise

"Thank You Aomine-kun"

"Aomine-cchi hidoii!~ I just want to hug Kuroko-cchi because we didn't met for so long~"

"Shut up will you!!!"


"Kuro-chin.."  more of them are show up...

"Murasakibara-kun.. I just in the way home and I plan I want to go too your shop soon."

"Ahh.. some bread and vanilla shake?"

"Yeah.. Onegai, (*it's mean please... maybe:v) thank you Murasakibara-kun"

"your welcome, so what are you doing here?"

"Furihata-kun and Kagami-kun found a puppy."

"A puppy?"

"Yeah.." in the few Minutes, Furihata decide whom want to takes the puppy home, because he can't raise it and Kagami is afraid of dog, Aomine, Kise and Murasakibara is busy, so Kuroko decide want to raised it.

"Here, Take care of him Allright(*Furihata)"



"What's wrong Aomine-cchi?(*Kise)"

"aren't you little familiar with Kuroko"

"I tought so(*Kagami)"

"Me too.(*Murasakibara)"

"Really?(*Kise)" after the long Staring, suddenly they all get suprised


"Well then we will name you Number Two Kuroko Tetsuya!(*Furi)"

"Don't name him like that!(*Kagami)"

"Woah.. I'm suprised, okay my time is over now I will be going now Tetsu(*Aomine)"

"Okay." "Me too I should get going now, Kuroko-cchi I will miss You (*Kise)."

"Allright, be careful on your way Kise-kun.(*Kuroko)"

"Don't worry Kuroko-cchi, I'm strong you know, then bye~(*Kise)" he didn't mean a physical thing tough;;


"Then we should get going now Kuroko.(*Kagami)"



"Then see you later Kuro-chin(*Murasakibara)"

"Yeah, I will visit then Murasakibara-kun"


Oh yeah!!! This part is done! Thank you for reading this part of stories, hope you guys liked it! I have repeat many times but that I want to say now!!! *Fufu then wait the next stories~ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)

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