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Hello-Hello! Woaahhh.. I have got so many readers now, touching💘
Mmm... got carried away.. *keke.. thank you for voted this Stories! Well hope you guys like this part

And action!

*Normal Pov

*Chirp.... Chirp the sun are up the two couple sleeping until●●●

"*Slam!!!...good morning!!!" The lousy noise wake Kuroko and he jumped because he shocked at the sound.

"Aaaaaa!!! Shintarou-kun!!!" Kuroko gripped Midorima hands very tight.



"That's the punishment for you, are you alright Tetsuya?"

"I'm okay, thank you Shintarou-kun."

"You two looks like newlyweds now."

"Got a problem with that???"

"NO, get down now mom and dad already prepared our breakfast."

"Allright. let's wash up our face and brush our teeth Tetsuya."

"Okay, but did you have another brush Shintarou-kun?"

"I have it so wait here I will bring it to you."


*when they finished

"Mother, Father Good Morning(*Midorima & Kuroko)"

"Good Morning you two, have a seat.(*Midorima Mother)"


When they are still in the middle of having a breakfast suddenly Kuroko Phone ringing.

"Please excuse me mother, father."

"It's alright Tetsuya-kun just pick up, my parents didn't mind.(*Midorima Brother)"

"Thank you."

*Midorima Pov

It's still early in the morning, who is it? when I'm still thinking my big brother asking me a question.

"Shintarou, you said that your boyfriend have a ex-boyfriend am I right? The one who get bored with your beautiful lover, So who is it? "

"Akashi Seijuroo" I said camly.

"Mm.. but I kinda understand now."


"Probably the call is from him, and maybe he wanted him back, since he realise that Tetsu-chan is really important to him."

"Ryou don't talk such sensitive topic in the morning breakfast." My father broke the silent.

"Yes, dad I'm sorry."

"Tetsuya-kun is really cute, and an honest boy, I'm sure of it you two doing just fine. So don't act that tsundere side anymore Shintarou. " My mother said it frankly.

"Take good care of him Shintarou, he is your lover treasure him."

"I know father I will always stay by his side, and mother I'm tried not to show much my tsundere side okay.."

"*Giggle right I'm looking forward to it." When we still having our breakfast Tetsuya came back, He look kinda a little nervous.

"What's wrong Tetsuya? Is there something wrong?"

"Shintarou-kun, it's just Akashi-san want to have a meeting with me."

"Akashi want to meet you? When is it?"

"Today, he said to come to his mansion in the afternoon having a tea time."

"Did you agree on meeting him Tetsuya-kun? If you want to meet him I will go with you too okay?" My mother know what kinda situation now, so she will worried over Tetsuya.

"I already agreed with him, But... Mother you want to come with me too? Is that okay?" When Tetsuya want to start to talk my father interrupt

"It's okay, Tetsuya-kun my wife will get worried sick if you go alone, beside Shintarou maybe have a tight schedule now so I will drive you out with my wife we gonna meet him together okay?"

"Huh!? But would that will burden you father, mother, I think, i should be the one who face him alone."

"Don't worry about it Tetsu-chan you are our family now, so it's okay if we solve it together and I would love to go with you if I can, but I'm so busy now. "


"Call me Onii-chan then, I will go with you and skip the work."

"No need to call you like that Nii-san And don't forgot that you supposed have an extra work today."

"So stingy-"

"Mother, Father Please take care of Tetsuya, while I'm busy with my work, sorry Tetsuya if I can't go with you." I kissed his forehead I'm really feeling upset, while I can't go with him, but my parents with him so it's gonna be okay.

"Shintarou-kun.. it's allright you always stayed by my side, so I'm okay and I already know that you always been so busy, then good luck at your work then.*Chu.."he kissed my cheeks...

"*Sigh...Don't said such a cute thing in the morning."

"Hehe... Shintarou-kun I can't breathe*squeeze"

"Okay, now you two stop flirting each other and finishing your breakfast already." As my mother said, we are continuing our breakfast time.

*At Akashi Mansion


Mini:"Aloha! Midorima, where did Kuroko gone?"

Midorima:"he having shower now."

Mini:"*Imagining Something *Pow."

Midorima:"Don't Imagining something pervert you Loli girl *pinch.. "

Mini:"A...iimm. donn..Thenk..Sem...think.. Per..vert..."

*Translate: I don't think something pervert. Stop stretching my cheeks.

Midorima:"Don't wanna!😒"

*5 minutes passed

Kuroko:"Mini-chan what's going on with you!? you cheeks got bigger were you get bitten by bees?"

Mini:", Y..or..e...r..ig... ht... m...edo..r..ima.. "

*Translate: Yes you are right, Midorima was the bee.

Midorima:"can you stop it now. I want to lock you mouth up."

Alrright done already! I'm very sorry for the late update, but well I can do what I can now, thank you for the support, well then see you in the next part bye!

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