Chapter Twenty Eight: Lee Dong Hyuck 이동혁 ❥

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Haechan and I were sitting on a bench, on the side of the street. 
I looked up at the sky and more snow started piling up. 
Haechan and I locked hands and sat close to each other. The smile on my face grew bigger.
I leaned back with a sigh. I looked down at our hands intertwined. "What's wrong?" Haechan glanced over at me.
"Nothing." I looked down shyly. I just couldn't believe what was happening. 
"No, really." Haechan nudged my shoulder. "Are you that in shock?" He laughed.
"Well," I tried so hard not to smile, but he gave me a feeling that I couldn't resist. 
Haechan looked up at the sky. "Well, we have known each other for so long, and well. I thought you would've expected it." 
I looked over at Haechan, his eyes were sparkling. "Well. I was confused.. and well." 
"You keep saying well." Haechan laughed. He looked over at me. 
"AH. I mean it took me time to realize my feelings for you. And well, I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had just in case... as you know?" I shrugged. 
"Well, I understand that. But, you just recently realized your feeling?" Haechan glared at me. "I thought you've always liked me." He pouted. I softly nudged his shoulder. 
"I was really oblivious and love wasn't the main factor.. like especially after my past..yeah." I shrugged nervously.
"well, I know you'd fall for me someday." Haechan bragged with a smile.
"Oh, stop." I rolled my eyes at him. "Is this really happening or is it just a dream?" The thought ran around in my head. Being beside him, together like this. My heart was thumping and I couldn't shake this exciting feeling. We sat there together. Though it was quiet, this moment was very beautiful.
I saw snow reflecting off of the dangling Christmas lights.
A breeze ran over me and I felt my face getting colder. I tucked my face in my coat. 
"Are you cold?" Haechan looked over at me with big eyes.
"Yeah, of course. It's cold. Duh." I looked down and tried to snuggle in my coat. 
"Okay." In the corner of my eye, I saw Haechan take off his beanie and scarf. "Turn this way." He let go of my hand so I could face him. 
He wrapped his scarf around my neck. He quickly forced his beanie on my head and could feel my hair falling in my face. I slowly pushed my hair away from my eyes. "Thank you," I muttered, shyly. "I am not usually this shy.." I felt embarrassed about myself.
"Mhm." He nodded his small head. I kept wanting to look at him, and his soft smile. He quickly pat the top of my head, then made a large grin.
"What's that for?" I leaned back.
"You're so cute." He giggled back.
"What? no." I shook my head, trying to hide my red face. "Why is he so romantic? I am not used to it.." I scratched my head.
"Yeah, yeah. You areeeee. Don't fight it." Haechan said in a cute face. He scrunched his nose. "What am I a child?" I pouted in embarrassment. "no. hm," Haechan crossed his arms. "Are you not going to call me cute, too?" He started to pout.
"Hey!" I glared at him. "I mean, of course, you are but...I mean I can't just say it." I looked away.
"Oh.." Haechan got embarrassed. "I didn't know you'd feel this embarrassed." Haechan had a slight chuckle.
"But, don't worry. Once we get used to being this way with each other, we can progress and feel much more comfortable." Haechan made a slight nod.
"He is so mature.."I looked over at him and a question popped up in my mind.
"I have a question!" I popped up.
He suddenly looked at me with a cute expression. "Wha?"
I slowly leaned my head on his shoulder. "He's right.. I do feel comfortable with him. Even if I am not used to this whole sappy thing.."
"When did you realize your feelings for me?..or start having those feelings?" I muttered. "You don't have to answer, I am just wondering." I looked down while locking arms with him. 
He felt warm.
Oh.. That story.." Haechan made a chuckle. 
"I guess I should tell every detail then!"



I had just made it to the college campus. The school was a lot larger compared to past schools I went to. 
There were many separate buildings. The atmosphere was clear, being at the edge of the U.S made me feel way different from what I was used to. The feeling of excitement rummaged around in my stomach. I rolled my suitcase into the dorm. 
I made my way to the dorm I was assigned to. I knocked on the door, Someone with a large smile opened it. He was tall, had dark black hair, and a bunny a smile. I made a slight bow. "I am guessing you're my roommate!" He let me in. I made a small nod. I put my stuff on my bed. "So, you aren't from here, are you?" He said to me.
"Yeah." I nodded. "Why am I so nervous talking to new people? I am never like that.." I started to unpack my things.
"My name is Doyoung! since we're roommates, mine as well get along." Doyoung made a small chuckle. I glanced back at him. "I'm Haechan." I made a quick bow. 
"We will have plenty of good fun together." Doyoung shrugged back.
I wasn't sure how I was going to do, but, I couldn't wait to start dancing and singing. 
I stood straight. "Want to walk to class together?" I suggested. Doyoung's face lit up. "Sure." 
We started to walk to class together. It felt so different from what I was used to. I saw people pass by me. The feeling I had within me felt so odd and distant. I decided to shrug it off and head to class with a smile.
"I am glad I am getting along with someone already." I smiled quickly while Doyoung was talking. "If you got offered to come here, you are going to be good and have fun for sure." Doyoung nodded as we walked in the first class. 
"This is just basic music history, so it shouldn't be too hard for you." He playfully nudged my shoulder. 
I chuckled. I walked to my desk and sat down. "I can only imagine the dance classes and singing classes.."
I Couldn't sit still for some reason. The exciting feeling rummaged around. 
The start of the year was just like any other school year. 
"After school today we could decorate and finish unpacking, don't you think?" Doyoung swung his head over as we walked through the halls together. 
"Sure... The vocal class was pretty fun I am just nervous about dance." I chuckled nervously.
"Well, you danced at your old school right?"
"Yeah." I made a small nod. 
"Well, this shouldn't be any different! I am sure you're talented." Doyoung scuffed. "I am usually not this nice to people, but I get along great with you." Doyoung playfully hit my shoulder. 
"Thanks. I don't see why though." I scratched my head, embarrassed. 
We arrived at the first dance class, I was nervous. We walked in the large open room, there were many people. "Maybe I am just nervous because it's a lot different from what I am used to..?" I thought to myself as I made my way to the others. I stood in a certain position directed by my dance teacher so everyone will have enough room to dance. The class was pretty simple, and we learned a basic dance. 
I looked around to see everyone with big smiles, "They all seem extremely talented. I am glad I am able to be here." I smiled brightly and took a big sip of my water. I then started to go over the moves again on my own. 
Doyoung walked up to me saying: "Class is over and you're still dancing?" 
"Yeah, I mean. I just want to make sure I have it all memorized. Even though it's easy, I just feel forgetful lately." I shrugged.
"Oh." Doyoung laughed. I then started to repeat my moves over and over. "Why is it so hard?.. why can't I stop thinking back to my home.." I thought to myself, then wiped my forehead. I kept picturing what home looked like, and everyone there. 
"It's only been a few days.." I shook my head at myself.
"What?" Doyoung looked over at me. "It's nothing." 
I continued to dance. I shrugged off the feeling and took time to get used to it. "Maybe I'm just not used to this new atmosphere.." I laughed to myself.
The class was over, Doyoung and I headed to our dorm and started to unpack. 
"So, you just came here too?" I asked while sitting on my bed. 
"Yeah, funny huh? I actually applied for this school. That's why I said you must be good to get an offer for it." Doyoung laughed.
I felt embarrassed. "I've been singing and dancing most of my life. It's been a dream for me. I am glad I am experiencing it now." I smiled widely as I took things out of my backpack. I stood up and walked up to my small desk. "You can decorate your desk with anything, I don't mind." He looked back at me. 
"Sure." I had so many bags I wasn't sure what I had. I put my clothes in a dresser, and my shoes under the bed. I looked around in my bag and got out a few of my books, manga, pads, and notes. I placed them on my desk. "I have written songs, I just haven't been able to record or anything." I shrugged. 
"You wrote songs?" Doyoung sounded shocked. 
"Yeah." I brushed my hair back, with a small smile. 
"You should let me read them, bro." 
"I haven't shown anyone them, not even my best friend." I laughed and as those words came out of my mouth I had visioned Y/N in my head. I looked down at my desk and went quiet. 
"Why did you suddenly get so quiet?" Doyoung shrugged back and walked up to me. 
"It's nothing." I chuckled nervously and then continued to unpack my things. I reached in my bags and I pulled out a few pictures. The first picture was of Me and Y/N. I took a deep look at it, my heart started to beat as I focused on her face. 
Doyoung leaned in. "Who's she?" He glared. I quickly shuffled the picture onto the next which was a picture of me and my family. 
"Is she your girlfriend?"
"No!" I was quickly flustered. I rolled my eyes and finished putting up my things. "Why did you get so flustered then?" Doyoung laughed. 
"She's my best friend." I shrugged and put my bag on the floor. 
"Oh? but it seems like you like her more than that my dude." Doyoung quickly laid on his bed.
"Nah, we are just good friends." I denied it. But, deep down I had this feeling. "Why do I miss her so much? It has only been a bit." I chuckled to myself. I laid down and covered my face with my arm. "We are both doing our own things. I just miss her I guess Because I have always been around her, and I am not used to being away from her." I laughed. 
"Uh-huh, believe that." Doyoung turned over. 
I ended up falling asleep, with the picture of her in my mind. A smile grew on my face. 

Weeks upon weeks have passed and I was getting used to being at the school. Doyoung and I got closer as friends. I didn't believe I would have a friend here, but I was wrong. I grew in dancing, singing, and lots of other things. I was happy, content, and excited every single day. 
Doyoung and I were walking through the large campus. The sun was glaring in our faces. "It's so hot out today, it's so weird." Doyoung tried to block the sun from his eyes. I shrugged. "Yeah, isn't it almost Winter?" I laughed. 
"Speaking of which." Doyoung stopped in front of the large garden fountain. "Are you going home during the Winter break?" 
I didn't think of it before. But, I was worried it was going to cost too much. "No, probably not this year. I think I am going to focus on dance and singing and take some requests." I looked down with a smile.
"Requests?" Doyoung's eyes widened. 
"Well, Yeah. I got requests from studios to be a backup dancer." I got excited. 
"For real? Ahhh." Doyoung swung his head back. "You've only been here a few months and this is what you do? bro." Doyoung couldn't help but smile.
"Yeah, I will be working with them in a few weeks. I have a tutor and dancing instructor for the performance."
"I still can't believe this, like you're going to be famous." Doyoung teased. I couldn't stop smiling, and thinking of being in a higher position made me feel a happy, nervous emotion. 
"You're amazing at singing so you will be famous too." I glared over at him.
"Well, of course." Doyoung shrugged with a smirk. I couldn't help but chuckle. "I do have an audition for a play, but I don't know, should I go on stage?" Doyoung got embarrassed.
"If you want to do it, I say shoot. But, a play?" I raised my eyebrow. 
"Well, It's a super big play." Doyoung shrugged again. We walked to a local donut shop.
We walked in, and it smelled really fresh inside. It made my stomach rumble.
"They have really good donuts here." Doyoung looked back at me. 
I nodded in excitement and looked at the display of donuts. There were so many different flavors and assortments. A smile grew on my face. "Sooo many different flavors." I awed. Then a thought came to my mind:
"Y/N would love it here," I muttered. Doyoung looked back at me. 
"What do you want?"
"Just a fudge donut would be fine." I smiled and picked a seat while Doyoung ordered the donuts. He walked up to the table and placed the donuts on the table. "I am not really a fan of sweets but, these are good." Doyoung shrugged as he sat down.
"Yeah. Same. I could go for some good Korean food." I leaned back as I grabbed my donut. "That does sound good too..ah."
"Another thing I miss from home." I laughed as I took a bite of the donut. 
"Bro, If you miss her so much you should go back." Doyoung laughed.
I almost spit out what was in my mouth. "Did I say that..?" I rolled my eyes. 
"Your actions say so. You think about her wherever you go." Doyoung had a serious, calm expression on his face so I could tell he was being serious. But, I didn't want to believe it. "No, it's natural to miss her." I looked down, shyly. I wasn't sure why, but I just wanted to go on without worrying about how I felt. 
"I mean, I miss my family. But, I don't have a girl I miss." Doyoung leaned back. 
"It's different from missing your family, right?"
I thought about what he said. "I guess.. Anyway, when is your audition?" I tried to change the subject.
"If she likes sweets, next time you see her, treat her to something sweet." Doyoung smiled, then went on. "It's next week. I have many projects to work on between now and then. I have to make sure my voice is at the right level and extent, y'know?" Doyoung looked up from eating his donut. 
"True.. I should get to practice more. Even if dance class is hours and I get exhausted, it's worth it." I stood up quickly, feeling an urge to dance. 
"Well, if you want to dance, go on." Doyoung started to laugh. I started to walk out. "I should be used to your bright, now personality by now!" He yelled as I laughed. I shook my head with a smile. "I know what I want to do, and I do it. Isn't it simple?" I laughed to myself as I looked both ways before crossing the street.
"Or is it?"

𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜 | HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now