Chapter 2: Harley

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I watched as Honesty limped toward her crystal. They say it belongs to the family, but everyone knows Honesty is the only one who is able to properly work it. She picked it up, holding it in the palm of her hand. The vibrating stopped and she frowned. Maybe it was a false call.

Honesty hung the crystal back up and turned to face us again. She kept glancing toward it, but finally ignored it. She strolled across the room, coming to stand next to me.

'Maybe you should head home. Your parents are probably wondering where you are. I do not want them preventing you from coming here again,' she muttered.

I laughed, 'They will never prevent me from coming here again. The last time they did, it was a week of Hell for them. However, if it is such a big deal to you, I will leave.'

She smiled, 'Come over after school tomorrow. You know, just in case it was not really a false call.'

I nodded, kissing her forehead, 'Of course.'

I said a quick goodbye to Savannah, Thalia, Benjamin, and Ricky before leaving. I walked down the long driveway and taking a left onto the road. It had begun to rain while we were inside, blocking the sun. I was happy for the natural sunblock, as it meant I did not need to apply any.

The walk home was a good half hour. Honesty lived in a more secluded section of town. My family lived is a more residential section. My family thought it was better for us to live closer to the mortals. I like Honesty's family's thoughts better. Their neighbours were pretty far from them and they had a forest behind their house.

I passed a strip mall on the main road that contained several chain stores and two or three restaurants. Being the weekend, there was a lot of traffic going in and out of the parking lot. I had to be extra careful when walking by. Though it would not hurt me if I were hit, it would definitely raise questions as to why I had not at least broken a bone.

When I got home, I walked up the driveway. My mum was waiting just inside the door, in the lounge. She had a stern look on her face when she caught sight of me. She stood up, arms crossed, and made her way in front of me.

'You left in such a hurry, you did not even tell me where you were going! You could have been in danger! You were gone for hours without even telling me the slightest bit of information!'

I looked at the maroon area rug on the hardwood floor and did not answer. While I did not like my parents mad at me, I knew if I had told her where I was going, she would not have let me go. She and my dad do not like Honesty much due to her being a halfy as they put it.

My parents are very strict on vampyres staying with vampyres. When they heard I was dating a Maxwell, they were happy because the Maxwells are well-known vampyres. However, when I told them that her mum was a shapeshifter, they began hating Honesty and they have not even met.


'Well what?'

'Where were you?'

'That is none of your business, Mum.'

She scowled, 'That is not how you talk to your mother.'

My eyes narrowed into a glare, 'Disown me then. Make me no longer part of the family. I do not care. I can just go live with Honesty, Thalia, and Savannah. They will take me in.'

'Living with that hybrid girl?!' she shrieked, 'And tarnish the Adams' name?! How could you do that to us?!'

'My life is my choice, Mother! I know you and Dad hate hybrids because you think that they are lowlifes and do not deserve to exist, but you have not even met her! If you had just given her a chance, I think that you two would like her, but you are too self-centred to do anything that would make sense!'

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