Chapter 7: Benjamin

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I do not think I have ever been so pissed off in my life. This is wrong on so many levels. There is no reason for her to do that. Death is not the answer and she ought to know that. The fact she chose to do that disgusts me. I quickly glanced in her direction and she had a look of guilt upon her face.

I felt heat rise to my face. My fists shook and my heart was pounding so loud, I could not hear the sobs that Thalia was emitting with her crying. My blood was boiling. I was ready to punch something... or someone. Rather than taking it out on her, I turned and left the room. As I made my way down to the lounge, my rage took over and I punched a hole in the wall of the staircase.

'Is everything okay?' Harley called.

'Fine,' I answered.

I made it the rest of the way to the lounge with no problems. I sat down on the couch again. Savannah and Enrique were on their way up to Savannah's room. They both called out a goodnight and we all responded. Honesty was laying on the couch, head on Harley's lap. He had placed a blanket over her and was stroking her hair.

She looked at me with a tired expression. Her eyes seemed to be calling for help. She looked more like a corpse than ever. Her skin seemed to be sunken and her eyes dull and bloodshot. Her lips were blue, as if she had been locked outside in the cold for hours.

I felt guilty, though I knew I did nothing. It was my responsibility to take care of her after her parents died. To take care of her and Savannah. They were old enough now to take care of themselves, but I still felt responsible for her. I felt like I needed to protect them even though they do a better job at protecting me than I do them.

'She did it, did she not?' Honesty inquired, voice soft.

'Did what, Dear?'

'Made another deal? She really needs to stop that.'


'What is the parameter of this one?'

'Not now, Dear. Not now. I will tell you another time.'

She frowned, 'Please?'

'No. Get some rest, both of you. We leave early tomorrow. Harley, take her upstairs and put her to bed please.'

He nodded, moving Honesty so he could stand. He then proceeded to pick her up and carried her upstairs.

'Goodnight,' I called out.

'Goodnight,' they echoed.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I love Thalia. I really do. What I do not like is her idea. Her plan. How she plans on stopping Angel from getting what he wants. It will not solve anything. He can still get his payment in a different way. I know it.

I reclined back on my seat and grabbed a blanket, pulling it over me. I was in too bad a mood to be in the same room as Thalia. I feared if I was, I would flip out and act violently. I figured sleeping in the lounge would be safer for the both of us.

I reached over, turned the light off, and closed my eyes.


'Aye! Ben! Time to wake up! Thalia made breakfast and then we are leaving! I suggest getting ready!' Honesty yelled into the lounge, causing me to wake up.

Yawning, I rubbed my eyes and pushed the blanket off of me. I lazily pushed myself up from the chair and groggily made my way upstairs to my room. I pulled out a blue t-shirt, jeans, Converse, and a grey hoodie and changed into them.

After getting dressed, I made my way back downstairs to the kitchen. Thalia was at the stove, finishing a batch of pancakes. She was dressed in a grey sweater dress, black leggings, and black boots. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a clip.

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