Chapter 6: Thalia

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A hand covered my mouth before I could finish. I looked over and saw my boyfriend glaring at me. I knew I had no right to tell them, but they deserve to know, right? Honesty is Savannah's stepsister and Enrique's friend. They had the same right to know as me, Ben, and Harley.

'Thalia, if you tell them, imagine how furious Honesty will be.'

I frowned, 'You make a good point.'

He nodded, 'You know I want them to know, but it is not our place.'

I glanced over to the three teens. Harley looked like he could not care less about the predicament. He probably could not. He already knew. Savannah clenched her hands into fists, a feat she did whenever aggravated with someone.

'Why is it so difficult for someone to tell us?' she inquired.

Harley sighed, 'It will take you mind off the bigger problem.'

'Which is?'

He rolled his eyes, 'The impending outbreak, Sav. That is more important. Honesty is not dying, she is just feeling a bit under the weather, okay? She is healthy, perfectly healthy. You have nothing to worry about. Now, can we focus on getting ready for this damn cross country trip to stop a horde of hybrids destined to kill us all?'

Savannah nodded, 'Fine. Will she be well enough to join us? We kind of need her for this.'

'Yes, she will be.'

Savannah nodded again, 'I will get the wood. Harley, grab the silver. Ricky, find some type of blade for decapitation. We will attach them to the outside of an RV like Honesty told us. Then, we each grab a weapon to use while fighting. Harley, grab Honesty's bow and arrows. You are the only one who knows where they are other than her and she cannot do anything right now.'

'Ben and I will work on attaching everything to the RV. You focus on gathering everything. We will also pack supplies and clothes. Before you guys do anything else, pack. Harley, Enrique, you should go home and pack, then come back to help,' I told them.

They all nodded and dispersed. Ben looked at me, 'You pack our clothes and Honesty's. I will begin gathering food and any other supplies we should need.'


I turned on my heel and rushed up the stairs. I went to pack Honesty's clothes first. I came to her door and quietly opened it. She was sitting up and reading a book. Her skin was paler than earlier and I began to worry.

'Hey,' I whispered.

Her head jerked in my direction, 'What are you doing in here? Going to yell at me more?'

I shook my head, 'No. I was just in shock then. I know you are old enough, it was just a shock. I was not ready to hear your news is all. I am actually here to pack your clothes for the trip. If you can even call it that,' I forced out a laugh.

Honesty grinned slightly, 'I already did it. My bag is over there.'

I looked by her closet and saw her bag. I grinned. Despite feeling unwell, she still packed her bag.

'I could have done it, you know.'

She shrugged, 'It was no problem. Did not take much effort.'

I laughed, 'Will you feel well enough to fight?'

'This does not last long. It will be over before we are halfway through the traveling aspect.'

I rolled my eyes, 'I forgot. Everything with the supernatural is shorter. Illness, everything.'

She nodded, 'Is that all?'

'Yes. I will take your bag and put it in the RV.'


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