Epilogue: Angel

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It was a damn miracle. A miracle that Harley survived. The knife was doused in poisons toxic to vampyres. Everyone was shocked when he woke up hours after the incident. No one understood how he managed to stay alive, but he did.

He was a loving father, which was surprising because he was still the same as he was right after Honesty's death. After his suspension was up, he went back to school, just to get expelled that day for fighting a teacher. He beat the teacher unconscious.

Sixteen years after the incident, I stood in front of the same house I had gone to the first couple months of the triplets' lives. Once Harley was expelled, he no longer required our help. He took care of them on their own. Sav, Ricky, Thalia, Benjamin, and Kaden all still lived in that house. Harley almost never left his room. I had no idea what the triplets were doing, or where they slept.

Sav and Ricky had three children as well, Sheba, Alpha, and Remus. I had seen them a few times. Sheba had mousy brown hair and blue eyes. Alpha had dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. Remus had brown hair and green eyes. I knew those three slept in the lounge, per their choice.

I knocked on the door and it slowly opened. A boy with pale blonde hair and silver eyes stood in the doorway. He stood about six feet tall and was dressed in all black. I opened my mouth to say something, but he was cut off.

'Inigo! Who is at the door?'

Behind him stepped a girl with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She stood about five feet five inches. She wore a charcoal grey dress and black heeled boots. She placed her hand on his shoulder and he stiffened.

'Thisbe, go get Icarus and Dad. Dad will know what to do.'

She nodded and ran off. Her hair flew behind her in long waves. Inigo gave me a hard look, mirroring the one his dad often used after Honesty's death. I gave a small smile as Thisbe returned with Icarus and Harley.

Icarus had strawberry blonde hair, but more blonde, and grey eyes. He wore a white t-shirt, leather jacket, jeans, and work boots. Harley looked the same as before, still dressed in all black.

'Go pack your bags. All three of you,' Harley told his children.

'Dad, who is he?' Inigo asked, still glaring at me.

'You are going to live with him from now on. Now go.'

That was the first time I had heard him be harsh with his children. Sure, I stopped coming by years ago, but I never would have guessed that he would even start. He always seemed to have a soft spot for his children. However, that one harsh statement was enough to make the triplets run upstairs and pack.

'Everything is set then?' he asked.

I nodded, still wary around him.

'Oh, you are pathetic, Angel. You? Afraid of me? Pathetic. I thought that as a son of Lucifer, you would be fearless. Seems as though that is wrong.'

A low growl escaped my throat, 'I am not here to discuss our relationship. We had a deal and it is up. I am here for my payment.'

He smirked, 'Of course. Silly me.'

I shuddered, looking behind him when I heard footsteps on the stairs. The triplets stood behind their father. He stepped out of the way, allowing them out of the house. Hesitantly, they came out and stood next to me.

'This is goodbye then,' Harley stated, nonchalantly.

I nodded, 'It is.'

'Very well. Goodbye.'

With that, he closed the door, cutting off all contact with his children. I looked at them and gave a sad smile.

'Well, come on. We do not have all day. You have the others you must meet. Everyone join hands and close your eyes.'

They did as they were told, wrapping the straps of their bags over them. Everything began spinning faster and faster and faster and faster. Then, it suddenly stopped. I opened my eyes and saw the mansion towering over us. I looked at the triplets who stared at the building in awe.

'Welcome home,' I told them as I threw the door open, revealing the main foyer of the mansion, 'You are never leaving.'

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