Chapter 10: Harley

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I smiled. My eyes were locked on the sleeping form of my girlfriend. She was curled up into my side, hair obstructing her face from view. The fleece blanket was wrapped around her, basically making her a burrito. Her arms were wrapped around my torso, nails gently poking into me. I used my free hand to push her fringe out of the way.

Light snoring was coming from the back bedroom. Thalia and Benjamin had gone back there not too long ago. I was surprised that they had already fallen asleep. The moonlight slightly lit up outside. Through the windows, all I was able to see was the fast food restaurant, gas station, and convenience store at the rest stop we parked in. The lights were off, indicating they were closed. Unfortunate. I wanted to buy a snack from the store.

I gently repositioned myself. My back pressed against the arm of the couch. I slid, slightly, resting my head on the arm. Honesty repositioned herself so she was curled on my chest. Doing my best not to wake her, I unwrapped the blanket from around her and draped it over both of us. I stared up at the dark ceiling, letting the sounds around me fill my head.

There was a gentle humming coming from a machine outside. Light snoring from Benjamin. Light breathing from Savannah and Ricky. Buzzing from bugs outside the RV. Music was playing softly through Honesty's iPod. She had the earbuds in and the music was almost undetectable. Undetectable for humans, but not for me. She was listening to Sleeping With Sirens.

Footsteps softly echoed in the lounge, causing me to snap my head in that direction. I sighed and rolled my eyes when I saw it was only Ricky grabbing a drink. He sat down on the empty chair once he got a glass of water and sighed.

'Is there a problem?'

'Damn, Harley. I thought you were asleep,' he whisper-shouted.

'Sorry, but is there a problem?'

'No, not particularly.'

I sighed, 'Honestly?'

He shrugged, 'I mean, nothing you need to concern yourself with.'

'I know you are lying, Hernandez.'

He groaned, 'Listen, Adams. My problems are none of your business. But if you must know, you make me look bad.'


'You are the perfect boyfriend. You planned out your entire future with Honesty and Sav now thinks I need to do-'

'Listen, I only did it because I needed to have a plan to leave my parents. If they did not hate Honesty for the simple fact she is a hybrid, I may not have planned everything out. If Sav has a problem with how you are, that is her problem. I do not act like the perfect boyfriend. I only did it because I needed a plan. Yes, that is how I want to live and she is who I want to live with. Do not get me wrong. I knew I wanted a life with her, I just would not have thought that in depth if it were not for the fact my parents hate her.'

She stirred a little and I stroked her hair in attempt to keep her asleep. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ricky nodding at my statement. He seemed to be more relaxed about the whole thing.

'Oh, and Ricky?'


'That was an incredibly dumb thing to be upset about.'

He laughed softly, 'Yeah, I guess you have a good point. I just did not want Sav to be mad at me or to have too high of expectations.'

'I know her well enough to know that she knows I only did that because of my parents. She knows I want out of there. She knows how they are. She will not expect too much of you. Her comment from earlier was just joking.'

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