Chapter 5: Ricky

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'Sav, seriously. Tell me what happened.'

'I have no idea what you are talking about,' she replied, dismissively.

'I know you were not in the bathroom. There was a boy outside the classroom. Who was he? What did he want?'

She sighed, 'No idea who he was. He never told me his name. But, he did tell me I should not hang around Honesty.'

'Why not?'

'Something about her bad behaviour.'

I laughed, 'Bad behaviour? Honesty? You must be joking.'

'No. That is what he said. I am just as confused as you are. I mean, what could Honesty have done that could be considered bad behaviour? Nothing, as far as I know.'

I nodded, 'Yeah. It makes no sense to me.'

I glanced at the clock and saw we had four minutes until the bell. Smiling, I began packing my stuff up and saw Sav doing the same. The rest of the class was too absorbed in the work to notice. The professor was doing something on her computer, probably watching a show or something. The boy that Sav was talking to earlier stood outside the classroom, staring at... me?

I made eye contact with the boy and time seemed to stop. The air in the room seemed to grow hotter and hotter until it felt like Hell. The classroom filled with the scent of burning flesh, smoke, flames, and ash. Everything began losing its colour until there was only black, grey, and white. The boy smiled, lips curling back and revealing teeth sharper than any mortal's I had seen. His skin went from pale to corpse like and his eyes were devoid of emotion. The sociopathic aura he gave sent a chill down my spine.

'Ricky, are you alright?' Sav asked, causing me to break eye contact with the boy.

'Yeah. Just saw the boy is all.'

She shuddered, 'He gives me a bad feeling.'

I nodded and realised the room temperature went back to normal and everything gained back its colour. The scent I had smelled disappeared as well. The boy was no longer standing in the window of the door. I hope he is gone.

The bell rang and everyone jumped up, rushing out of the door to catch their busses. Sav and I waited until the traffic cleared out. We walked home, so we really did not need to rush out of the room.

Once everyone cleared, we began heading out. As soon as we were out of the class, a hand landed on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a girl I had never seen before.

Her hair was flaming red and her eyes were a dark brown. She wore a flowing white dress and black heeled boots. Her skin was as pale as the boy's, but without the grey tint. She smiled sweetly and gestured behind her, where the boy was talking to Sav.

'You know,' the girl began, cockney accent ringing in the halls, 'You two are dumber than I thought.'

'What do you mean?'

'You have not figured out the outbreak yet. That and your girlfriend's sister's behaviour is hidden from you. Honestly, it is not that difficult to figure out,' she sang.

'Outbreak? What outbreak?'

'Um... Ricky?'

'What, Sav?'

'I got a text from Honesty. Apparently there is a new type of hybrid across the country. They are multiplying like crazy and let us just say that the zombie apocalypse is going to be more interesting than I thought.'

'Zombie apocalypse? You must be joking.'

'Sure. It really is not the zombie apocalypse. More like the... zampyre wolf apocalypse?'

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