Chapter 12: Aqua

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He sighed after I said that. He knew I wished to protect myself, but wanted there to be another way. He believed it was unnecessary, despite my belief. I looked down, avoiding his eyes. I knew he was disappointed in my choice. Of course he was. How could he not? I am going to kill a girl who we do not know is actually going to attempt to kill me. Sure, a demon said it, but he could have just meant my kind and keep alive any civilised ones. I hope that is what it is. Then I will not kill her. Right?

'Please understand my views. I was told this girl will kill me. I will take any means necessary to keep myself alive. Honestly, Kaden. This is my only choice.'

'No, actually, you have other choices. You just choose to go to the extreme and kill an innocent girl. Who, by the way, is going to be a mother by the time she is here. But you already knew that and you are ignoring that fact. You know what? I may love you, but right now, I do not like you. I love you, but hate your choice.'


'No, just no,' he shook his head, 'This is ridiculous. You know you have a choice. You are choosing to ignore it. Just... leave me alone.'

He went to stand and I grabbed his hand, 'But if I do not she will kill-'

'No. I do not want you killing her.' He shook free of my hold.

'And why not?' I crossed my arms.

He shook his head again, 'You are so dumb. Just, please, leave me alone before I do something I regret. Stay here. I do not want anything bad to happen to you.'

With that, he stalked his way toward his bedroom. I sighed as I sank back into the couch. What happened between us? We used to be close and never disagreed on anything. Why are we now? Why have we grown distant?

My jaw clenched as I grabbed the books I got from the mortal bookstore. I picked up the book that the boy suggested I read. I had just opened it when I heard a knock on the door. Groaning, I stood and made my way over, opening it slightly and looking out.

The boy was standing there. He was fidgeting with his hands. His leg was bouncing up and down and he was looking down, not at the door. I opened the door fully and crossed my arms.

'What do you want?'

He finally looked up, 'Listen, I know I did my job, but I had to talk to you.'

'Your job? Nevermind. What do you need to talk to me about anyway?'

'Just be careful with what I told you. Please.'

'What do you mean?'

He shook his head, 'If you cannot figure it out immediately, do not worry about it. They would not want you to worry about it.'


'The people who are coming for you,' he laughed.

'Do they want me to know they are killing me?'

'Come with me.'


'I want to take a walk. I still need to talk to you.'

'Still? Really?'

'Yes. Now, come on.'

'Kaden does not want me to leave.'

He rolled his eyes, 'Well, it is not like you will be alone. I will be with you. In case you forgot.'

I shrugged, 'I suppose.'

'Great, now come on.'

I followed him out of the house, closing the door as quietly as I could. The boy put his arm over my shoulder and led me through the winding path in the trees.

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