Chapter 14: Thalia

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I screamed in pain. A knife had just barely grazed my leg, but it still stung like a sonofabitch. Limping, I continued running. Savannah and Honesty had run off, far enough away that they would not be caught very easily. The villagers in the small village near our estate in Romania found out about them.

They had already found out about Savannah and Honesty's parents years ago. They killed Savannah's dad first, then Honesty's mother. It was much easier for a shapeshifter to pass off as human than for a werewolf to. That is why my nieces were in my care. They did not know about the girls.

Unfortunately, being only seven and six, they were reckless while hunting last night. They revealed what they really were. Savannah could not hide it due to the full moon, but they never would have realised she was there if Honesty had just turned into a wolf while draining the animal of blood, rather than staying human-like. They never would have questioned a wolf eating a squirrel. They would question a human doing so however.

I was not mad, but this was tedious running away from them. It was your stereotypical torches and pitchforks. Cliché really. Funny, if nothing else.

The crowd screamed as they advanced. I looked behind me, quickly. Bad idea. They were slowly gaining on me. I quickened my pace and found a hidden road, able to hide me from the crowd. I turned into it, pressing my back against the wall to hide myself from them. My clothes were stained with dirt and mud. My hair was most likely a mess from running.

I peeked out from my hiding place and saw the crowd disappearing around a corner. Footsteps echoed behind me, causing me to whip around to look at who was approaching. A little blonde girl dressed in all black and a little brunette dressed in jeans and black sweatshirt. Honesty and Savannah.

'Thalia! Are you okay?' they both whisper-shouted as they ran to me.

'Fine. Are you girls okay?' they both nodded, 'Good. Listen to me. Go back to the estate. Pack everything you can. We are leaving and going to a different country to start new lives. Understand?'

They nodded and took off running. I knew the estate had been burned down. However, I also knew the crowd would not go back there to search. It was the perfect hiding spot for two children.

I, on the other hand, ran after the crowd. Unlike the cliché, I knew these people would not be happy with us leaving, but with us dead. I had to make it seem like I had gone after them and killed them. That would be the difficult part. They would not be easily convinced of this. I had to figure out how to convince them.

I ran into the woods, just outside the village. I hoped it would give me the time I needed to come up with a convincing story. They already knew I was human, but wanted to kill me for housing the supernaturals. I needed to come up with a good reason. Just saying that I had no idea was not good enough. They would want more information.

Leaves crunched behind me, startling me. Quickly, I hid behind a tree, worried about what was to happen.

'Come out. I am not here to hurt you,' a small voice said.

Intrigued by how young the voice sounded, I peeked around the tree. There was a little boy standing there who appeared to be six. His hair was black and disheveled. His eyes were a dull blue with dark circles underneath, popping against his deathly pale skin. He was dressed in black jeans and a leather jacket. I stepped out from behind the tree, standing in front of the boy.

'Who are you?' I asked him, curious about who he was and why he was here.

He smiled slightly, 'Angel.' His voice was soft and... calming.

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