Chapter 8: Kaden

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Aqua's hand went to her neck and rubbed. She had a red mark with a small puncture wound in the middle. She had a confused look on her face, rubbing her neck, nowhere close to the wound. I stepped forward, taking a closer look at it. It looked like an injection. Like someone had a needle and gave her a shot or something. Strange.

My mind ran wild. That could explain the boy that the clerk saw. Maybe he injected her with something and brought her back to her original spot so she would forget. As bad as that would be, I hoped that that was what it was.

She flinched when I touched the wound. It seemed to be new by her reaction. I frowned as I withdrew my hand, letting it fall to my side.



'What did the boy look like?'

'Auburn or brown hair and hazel eyes.'

'What was he wearing?'

'Black skull shirt, black sweatshirt, black jeans, and combat boots. Oh, he also had snakebites.'

I cursed under my breath, 'This could be a problem.'

She cocked her head in confusion, 'Why?'

'Demon. Demons always mean trouble. Despite their inability to outright lie.'

She looked lost in thought, 'He just warned me that a supernatural being was going to kill me.'

'Did he say it directly or imply?'


'It makes a difference. If he said it directly, it is true and will happen. If it was said in a way you implied it, then it could be false. Demons cannot directly lie, so if they say something and you have to infer the meaning, it is most likely false. Unless you have the demon that does it just so you imply it right and think it is wrong just to be cruel.'

'I think he directly stated it. I do not believe I inferred anything.'

I nodded, 'This is bad. We should head back to the house.'

'Okay. You are probably right anyway.'

She frowned and my mood dropped. I hate seeing her upset and I know she wanted to see mortal civilisation. Despite her worry before, I knew she was always curious about mortal life. Unfortunately, because of a demon, she is unable to.

I grabbed her hand and began pulling her toward the edge of the town. I constantly looked around, in an attempt to make sure no one was watching us. Aqua laced her fingers in mine and a smile tugged the corners of my mouth.

Once we made it to the woods, I took one last look back at the town. When I saw no one, I breathed out a breath of relief and pulled Aqua across the wood line. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye. She looked sick with worry.

'Hey, everything is going to be okay.'

'Do you think the demon is going to kill me?'

'He warned you about being killed, right?'

She nodded, 'Yeah, he said that they will kill me. He just would not tell me who.'

I frowned, 'They? Did he say they will kill you or they are coming?'

'They are coming and I will die.'

Suddenly, she stopped walking. I turned to look at her. Her eyes were glossed, as if in a trance. I just waited. I knew her well enough to know she was fine. I knew that her trance-like state meant that she was seeing something, possibly of importance.

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