Chapter 11: Savannah

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I suppressed my laughter after a while. Ricky did not like us laughing at any mistake, but it was funny. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Harley gently move Honesty and stand up. He went into the back room and emerged with more food. I smiled. Ricky seemed indifferent. Honesty looked ill.

I frowned as my gaze rested on my sister. This is killing her. She hated feeling sick. Well, everyone does, yes, but she pushes too hard through it. Harley handed me some type of pastry and I took it, not looking away from Honesty.

'Not too long now, Sav. She will be back to herself soon.'

'Not soon enough.'

'As long as it is before we make it to Londonderry, she will be able to fight.'

'I am not worried about fighting without her.'

'What are you worried about then?'

'Everything changing. You two are having a child. After that, you will not have the time to hang out. Especially since you plan on taking her out of the country. We will hardly see you. I will hardly see my godchild. Ricky and I will still be moving around, possibly still going to school for a while. You two will seem adults. Our whole world is flipping upside down and I do not like it.'

Harley sighed and placed his hands on my shoulders, 'Sav, not everything will change. I promise. We will visit. Hell, you can live with us if you choose. I do not care. I know Honesty will be fine with it. You have nothing to worry about.'

I nodded. I knew I was worrying over nothing, but I could not help it. I hated change and I hated the thought of never seeing them.

'Hey, you alright?' Honesty asked as she sat up.

'Yeah. Nothing to worry about.'

'You sure?'

'Yes, now stop being a pest. Go back to sleep.'

She stuck her tongue out at me and pouted, 'But I am not tired,' she whined.

'That sounds like a you problem.'

A low growl came from the back of her throat before she fell against the back of the couch. Her hair fell on her face and she made no attempt to move it. Her hands were fiddling with the emerald amulet before she removed the onyx around her neck.

The stone turned into Ailaro the gargoyle. A small smile was evident on his face. However, when he caught sight of the emerald, he stiffened. This time, the growl came from the baby.

'What ever is the matter, Ail?'

'I hate that thing. I would have thought you would have gotten rid of it by now.'

Honesty shook her head, 'I was told to keep it safe. That is my plan.'

'It is very dangerous, Miss. It holds great power.'

We were all confused, 'What do you mean?'

'He has all of them, except this one. He cannot use the powers of the other ones until he has this one. Using the others without this would cause chaos. More than even a demon could handle.'

'What does it do?'

'The other ones bring about different aspects of the apocalypse. The emerald brings about the full force of the apocalypse, the end of humanity.'

My eyes widened, 'Has he ever had it?'

'Yes, but when he did, he had it in storage. He did not want to use it right then. He has the perfect time planned out. Keep a watchful eye on it, Miss. Otherwise humanity could end sooner than you think.'

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