Chapter 20: Aqua

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I paced back and forth in the lounge of the mansion. Kaden watched me from the couch. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. It was ridiculous. Today was the day. The final battle. Where I would have to kill this innocent girl. Well, not so innocent. She and her group killed many of my kind, almost all. They had here to come and then we would be entirely annihilated.

Or would we?

I knew it was probably wrong to think this way, but I actually wanted to kill her. Funny, huh? I wanted her dead. Why? Maybe because she was mercilessly killing my kind. Sure, Kaden would defend this girl with rational explanation. I was not in the mood for rationality.

'Aqua, are you alright?'

'Just... thinking about the fight.'

He groaned, 'You know you do not have to partake in it, right?'

I sighed, 'You just do not understand, Kaden. I have to kill her. I just do.'

He shook his head and stood up, 'No, you really do not have to. You just want to. Whatever. I will come with you tonight. Hopefully seeing her will make you change your mind and you will not actually kill her. I can only hope that though.'

With that, he made his way up the stairs, possibly to the bedroom. I sighed again. There was no way he would fully support my decision. He could say that he did all he wanted if he chose. But that did not mean he would actually support it. He hated the thought of me killing this girl.

I went up the stairs toward the bedroom. I gently pushed the door open and peeked inside. Kaden was laying on the bed, eyes closed. As quietly as possible, I made my way in the bedroom, to the bureau. I grabbed clothes and shoes and made my way to the bathroom.

I dressed in a black tank top under a light army green jacket, jeans, and combat boots. My hair was done in a high ponytail and I put on a little bit of dark makeup. Once done, I went back downstairs and out of the house. I wanted to take a walk through the woods before this fight.

'Hey, Aqua. Wait up.'

I stopped and waited for the demon to catch up to me, 'Hey, Jett. What do you want?'

'To talk. Hang out a bit. You know. Before the fight and all.'

I nodded slowly, 'Right. Got it.'

I looked him over. He looked ready to battle. He wore a white t-shirt under a leather jacket, ripped jeans, and paratrooper boots. His eyes had dark circles under them, showing he had not slept in at least a few days.

'Getting enough sleep?'

'As much as I can with the sounds of Hell ringing in my head.'

I laughed, 'Okay. Whatever you say.'

'You ready to fight?'

'As ready as I can be. I saw how she killed the others. It should not be too different, if at all, for me.'

He shrugged, 'You never know.'

I frowned, 'Do you doubt me?'

'Not at all.'

He pressed a kiss to my forehead. When he pulled away, it seemed like I had forgotten something. Something having to do with the fight. I had to kill the girl, but why? What was the reason again? I could not remember why Jett told me it would be beneficial to kill her.

To protect my kind? Yes. That had to be it. She killed the others with her group. Of course. I needed to preserve this lineage. That was the only explanation. But why me? Oh... right. I am the only civilised one. Makes sense.

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