Chapter 16: Kaden

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I made my way back to the lounge, finding it empty. I ran my fingers through my hair, yanking at it in aggravation. Although I told her to stay here, I should have known she would have left. I probably did, subconsciously of course. I probably wanted her to leave so we both had time to calm down. So we both could go for a walk to clear our heads. I knew it was not so, but I had to think that way.

Why does she have to kill the girl? The answer is, she does not. She really does not need to kill her. There is no proof that she is going to be killed by this girl. Aqua said that she thinks Jett directly said it, and her memory is not very reliable. I have to think that way to make this easier.

Sighing, I grabbed a jacket before leaving the house. I pocketed my house key and locked the door behind me. I pulled my jacket around me, zipping it all the way up before delving deeper into the woods.

A cold wind rushed by, causing me to pull my jacket tighter around me. Just because I am one of the undead does not mean that I am not affected by the cold. The wind caused the branches on the trees to sway. Dried leaves crunched with every step taken.

My hands clenched into fists around my jacket. I forced myself to keep walking. No matter how mad I was at Aqua, I needed to find her so she would not freeze out here. And the threat of the outbreak was drawing nearer and nearer every second.

I heard voices nearby. I was not close enough to hear what they were saying exactly, but I could make them out pretty well. One was Aqua. No doubt about that. The other seemed oddly familiar, like a voice I had not heard in years. Could it be? No. Maybe... yes. She was with Jett.

I stepped out of the clearing, once there. They were both sitting on the edge of a cliff, talking.

'Between who?' Aqua managed to gasp out.

'Them! All of them! I figured it out first! But how? How is it possible? Why is it possible?'

'Jett, what are you talking about?'

He shook his head, 'Never mind that. It is none of your business.'

She frowned, 'Very well.'

'Aqua? What are you doing with him?'

She turned to face me, eyes wide, 'Kaden I-'



'I needed to talk to her,' Jett interrupted.


'Her decision to kill the girl.'

'And you told her?'

'That is between me and Jett. Honestly, Kaden. You do not rule my life.'

'Maybe not, but I would like to know what you do about this. But... if you do not want to say, I will respect it. Let us just go home, okay?'

She nodded, 'Alright.'

I took her hands, helping her up. Jett stayed put, watching us as we turned, leaving the clearing. Aqua kept some distance between us, still worried about me being mad at her.

'Listen, I may not like your choice to kill her, but if that is what you believe you need to do, then do it. I know I cannot change your mind. The most I can do is to just accept it and not talk about it. All I can do is support you in your decision, no matter how much I disagree with it.'

She smiled at me, 'Thank you. I just...'


'I really have no desire to, but it really is the best for her.'

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