Chapter 17: Honesty

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I sighed, gaze drifting toward the two demons seated in the corner. They are acting really suspicious. No, everyone is acting suspicious. Like they want to keep something from the others. The only one acting somewhat normal is Harley, and even that is debatable. The only suspicious thing he has done is say I should fight the creatures.

I bit the broken skin of my lip, pulling it away with my teeth. A small pool of blood formed on the surface and I licked it away. Each time the blood pooled, I did that until it stopped bleeding all together. Once I hit that point, I ran my tongue over my lip, still tasting the blood on it and on the inside of it.



'We have only a few hours until we reach our next destination. Almost there. We will rest for a day or so because your... condition, should be coming to an end.'

I groaned, 'You need to be kinder to your future child.'

'I know what we are naming her if it is a girl.'

I grinned, 'What?'


'Pretty name. I like Icarus or Inigo for a boy.'

'Sounds good to me.'

I laughed, 'You do not want a boy, do you?'

'No different than you not wanting a girl.'

'Girls suck. They cause too much drama in everyday life.'

'True, but that does not sway my opinion.'

'Suit yourself.'

He laughed, putting his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his on mine. I could feel the tension in his body. For what? I had no idea. I wished I could read his mind, but he was the only person I could never read. The only thing I could do was tell when he was tense. Everything else was a mystery to me.

'This scares me,' he whispered.

'What does?'

'This. Everything.'

'Elaborate, please.'

'Becoming parents for one thing. Are we even ready for that? We still fight these creatures. We will have to stop once this mission is done. After that, we have to be parents. I will have to work. You will have to take care of the house and child. We will be leaving here, escaping to Europe. Everything is changing and I feel as if I am not ready. I feel as if I will be a bad parent. Honesty, what do I do?'

A small smile made its way to my face. I may not like his worry, but at least he was worried about this. I was worried he just really did not care about being a dad, but the fact he wants to be a good one makes me happy.

'You will do fine. Believe me. I know you well enough to know that. You will not be a bad parent.'

He sighed, 'I wish I could believe that. What if I turn out like my parents?'

'Impossible. You are unlike them now, you will continue to be that way.'

'Are you sure?'

'Of course.'

He sighed, 'Thanks.'


I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to slowly come over me. I ended up falling asleep to the sound of Harley's breathing and the sound of his heart.


'Hey, Honesty. Wake up. We stopped at the rest stop. Come get food with me,' Sav demanded.

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