Chapter 21: Ricky

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 To say that Angel was mad was an understatement. Hell, I was surprised he did not go on a rampage to kill everyone. All he did was trash the RV. Sure, that sounds bad, but not as bad as it could be. The other demon, whom I figured out was his brother Jett, followed us back to the RV, talking to Fiona. Bad idea. Angel hated them both at the moment.

Thalia was the first inside. She gasped when she saw the RV. The furniture had been torn to shreds. Tables were turned upside down. Everything that could be smashed, was smashed. The only things that seemed to be intact were the babies. They were still resting in their beds, but the bedroom around them was in shambles as well.

Angel turned to us, a sadistic grin on his face. That grin revealed sharp, fang-like teeth. His eyes were glowing red. He stormed over to his brother, nails elongating into claws, and swiped at him, cutting him several times. Jett just stood there and took it.

'You got her killed!' he screeched, 'You made that damn hybrid girl kill her! How could you betray me like that?! You knew she was payment!'

I stole a glance at Harley. He had a hard look on his face. He was still distraught over her death, but right now it did not look like it. He was mad. Not at Angel. No... his anger was at the rest of us. Angel was the only one he did not hate.

Harley turned his attention to me. His glare said everything he wanted to say, but could not put into words. All he could muster to say was, 'You knew.'

'Of course I knew. There was a reason we kept it from you. You never would have let her fight, then we would not have stopped the invasion,' I told him.

'Damn right I would not have let her fight. She just became a mother! Now the triplets will grow up without one. Because of you all.'

'Might I say, I am just as mad as you are about this predicament,' Angel began, 'and I would be glad to help raise them. I may be no mother, but I acted as a mother and a father to my siblings.'

'Yes, and look where that landed us, without a mother for the children.'

'May I add I was under contract when I had her killed? Someone wanted her dead. I was following orders of a deal.'

Angel turned his attention back to his brother, 'A deal? To kill her?' Angel grinned sadistically again, 'may I ask who it was that made the deal?'

'You ought to know, brother. Who would be the only person who would want her dead other than the latter option?'

Angel turned to Thalia, 'Do they know why you did it?'

Harley turned to Thalia, 'You made the deal? Why? Why would you kill her?'

Thalia looked down, ashamed, 'It is a long story.'

'Then let me tell it. Oh, I love the story,' Angel cut in, 'Such a magnificent one if I say so myself. But before I do, let me remind you, you still owe me, Thalia.'

'Get on with it, Angel,' Harley growled.

Angel smirked, 'Gladly.'

He explained what had happened the day Thalia made the deal with him. That she and the girls were going to be killed and Angel, who appeared as Honesty's age, suggested a deal with her. One that would be different than any other she could receive. He explained the normal length for a deal is a decade, but he extended it for two decades to make it more appealing. He explained Thalia denying the offer until she was imprisoned and desperate to keep her and the girls alive. He explained how he wanted, not Thalia's soul, but Honesty. Not her soul, but her person. He did not say why he wanted her, but that he did.

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