Chapter 22: Thalia

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'You are the boy that was with the girl that killed Honesty,' I stated.

He looked down, ashamed, 'I told her not to kill. She would not listen. Because of that bastard.'

He gestured to Jett, who looked ashamed, then angry, 'I was doing my job, Ward. You should be mad at Thalia for even making the deal in the first place.'

Kaden turned to Harley, 'Listen, I am not mad at you. If I am being completely honest, if your girlfriend had killed Aqua, then I probably would have killed her. Again, in all honesty, I had done what I could to stop her from killing her. Especially when she realised your girlfriend was a mother.'

'Why are you here?' I inquired. It may have come off as rude, but I was suspicious of what this boy wanted.

'Aqua. Um... her body was not destroyed. She cannot rise again because of the poison and decapitation and all, but maybe you would like to use her to study. She was the only civilised one. I saw in Honesty's head. She knew Aqua was different. She wanted to examine her, not perform tests, but just observe how Aqua acted. She did not want to kill her, but wanted know why Aqua was civilised when the others were not.'

Harley nodded, 'We can take it. Right?'

His tone was frightening enough to make even Lucifer say yes. Benjamin and I nodded. Kaden smiled before speaking again.

'Can I... can I come with you? I really want to stay as far from my parents as possible.'

'Sure, but... why? What is wrong with your parents?' I asked him.

'Uh, they made a deal with a demon and gave up what they received to him.'

'What was the deal that they made? What demon?'

'Me.' We all turned to look at Jett, 'They made a deal with me. A dumb one. When a demon asks what you give them in return, do not say that they can choose. They will use it to their advantage. Your mother made a dumb choice by telling me to choose what I took. I asked about taking Amon. She said that was fine. Dumb. She should have given up something else. But she did what Thalia did, gave up the child.'

'Wait, Amon is still alive?'

'Oh, yes. He just never wanted to return home. I asked him constantly if he wanted to see you. He denied, not wanting you to see him as he was. He is a good companion, you know. I like him a lot. But, if you want to see him, I can take you to visit sometime.'

Kaden thought for a moment, 'Perhaps one day I will take you up on that offer. Until then, I will stay here and go with them.'

'Jett took your brother?'

Kaden shrugged, 'My parents were having trouble having a baby. Jett helped. My mum was dumb giving Amon up, but there is nothing else to be done. I will visit him one day, but as of now, I do not think I am ready to see him again after all these years.'

We soon finished eating and headed back to the RV. We asked Kaden if he needed to get anything from his house before we got there. He turned a different way than us to get his stuff. He knew where the RV was so we just waited. Angel cleaned up the mess he made, fixing up the furniture with a wave of his hand.

Harley stayed away from us. He did not even let Sav or Ricky hold the babies. He had Thisbe, Angel had Inigo, and Fiona had Icarus. The three sat on the couch, talking amongst themselves. Sav and Ricky sat on the chairs, talking to one another. Benjamin sat in the driver's seat and I climbed into the passenger side. Once Kaden arrived and got inside, Benjamin started the engine and started the drive back to Seattle.

I frowned every time I glanced into the back of the RV. Harley kept his distance from his friends. He was constantly glaring at them whenever they tried talking to him. He only talked to the demons and Kaden on occasion. I sighed and turned the radio up.

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