Chapter 19: Savannah

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Honesty, Ricky, and I all bolted up and ran to the bedroom. We placed them in their blanket beds and Honesty removed the onyx. Ail seemed to know what to do as he took his post above the door. We rushed back to the lounge where Harley distributed our weapons.

'Be careful,' Ricky told me.

'You too,' I replied as we jumped out of the RV.

A herd of the hybrids was emerging from the woods. Harley and Honesty stood back to back. Thalia and Benjamin followed suit. Ricky and I did the same. Fiona slid out of a window. She seemed to be dressed for battle. She held an axe in one hand and had a gun strapped to her leg.

'Alright, I am going to help you. Angel is a dumbass who thinks not helping will get him his payment sooner.'

We all nodded at her as she stepped closer to the hybrids. She swung the axe, cutting the head off one. Harley ran forward and set the creature on fire. Honesty ran toward them, shooting arrows at them. Harley would give them back after setting the creatures on fire. I held the stakes up as Ricky did the same with his axes and we charged.

This was our most difficult group yet. They just kept coming out of the border of the forest. There seemed to be no end to the herd. Ricky and I stayed close to one another to cover each other. Harley darted around, setting each fallen hybrid on fire.

A few of the hybrids turned to face us and I stepped back, repulsed. The flesh on these creatures were rotting and falling off. Skin around their mouths was torn and blood stained everything. Their hair was stringy and matted. They were repulsive.

One hybrid caught my eye. He looked less disgusting than the rest. He looked like a normal person. No rotting flesh. No bloodstains. No stringy, matted hair. No torn flesh around the mouth. He just seemed to be a person. Except for his eyes. They were sunken in and colourless. I charged at him, stabbing his chest. Ricky chopped his head off. Harley set fire to him and ran back to help Honesty.

Soon, Ricky and I were surrounded practically. We ran toward the tree line of the forest and went in. We found a large rock formation and began climbing. The majority of the herd followed us, so we had to hurry. Soon, we got to the top and watched below as the hybrids surrounded the rock.

'What do we do?'

'Not much we really can do, is there?'

'I suppose. You think Harley and Honesty will come help?'

'If they are not previously engaged with some other hybrids.'

'Of course. How long do you think we have until they figure out a way up here?'

'Probably until we die. I am not too sure that they are smart enough to figure out a plan to get up here on their own.'

'You never know, Ricky.'

He shrugged and kept his eyes on the hybrids. He leaned down, swinging the axes, attempting to decapitate them. I followed his lead and tried stabbing the stakes through their chests. I managed to hit some, but not all of them fell to the ground. I was beginning to lose hope when a wall of flames erupted around the rock.

The flames created a wave of heat that washed over Ricky and I. I began to feel sweat begin to form as the heat washed over me. The flames died down and in their place lay tons of ashes and Harley. He gave a small smile as he glanced to his left. I glanced in that direction and saw Honesty. She blew air over a small section of the ashes and they all blew around. Some landed in a river nearby and some remained here.

'Hurry up, there are more in the area. We need to kill them all before moving on,' Harley told us as he and Honesty went further into the forest.

Looking at one another curiously, Ricky and I slid off the rock. We followed the other two into the forest more. I heard Thalia and Benjamin behind us, doing what they could to help. Fiona appeared beside me, smiling.

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