Chapter 24: Kaden

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The three of us turned, catching sight of Jett. He looked apologetic at our predicament.

'Listen. I am really sorry about this. I know his personality change is hard to handle. I know you are all afraid of him. Hell, he even frightens us. Ha. Us, sons and daughter of Lucifer are afraid of him. He is dangerous. He is not ever going to go back to how he was before. I mean, if we were not bound by our promise to help take care of the triplets, we would be gone. However, if we go back on the promise, then we become mortal and turn to dust. The three of us would rather live in fear for the next however many years than die from breaking a promise.'

I looked over at Benjamin and Thalia. They both seemed to be hit pretty hard by that statement.

'If I were you, I would leave the house. Give it to him. He will never leave and he will continue to get worse. Your best bet is to leave before he hurts you.'

Thalia shook her head, 'I wish it were that easy, Jett. Believe me, if I thought that to be beneficial, I would do it in a heartbeat. However, I feel like that is no good. We stay.'

Jett bit his lip, worry lining his face, 'Of course. If that is your wish.'

Thalia nodded, 'It is.'

Jett slowly nodded in response, 'Well, time for the real reason I came down here instead of going straight to Hell because they do not need me. Kaden, would you like to come to Hell to visit your brother? It took a lot of prodding, but he finally caved, saying he would like to see you. He just did not know if you remembered how he was before because he is much different now.'

'Are you serious? I can see Amon?'

'Of course. Just a visit. No need to live there. You in?'

I nodded, 'Yes. Of course. I mean, if Thalia and Benjamin say it is okay.'

'Kaden, you are eighteen years old. If that is what you want to do right now, then do it. We are not stopping you,' Benjamin told me.

I smiled as Jett spoke again, 'His appearance has changed a bit, just a fair warning. He is more ashen, but that is because he goes down to the fire pits. He helps us keep order down there so the demons do not antagonise the unsaved souls. We may be demons, but we believe the fire is punishment enough, except for the few souls that try getting away. Amon is our unofficial peacekeeper down in Hell.'

I nodded slowly, 'Okay.'

'Well,' Jett clapped his hands together, 'if you are ready, shall we be on our way?'

I took a deep breath, 'Yes. I think so.'

He smiled and headed toward the front door. Hesitantly, I followed him. He made his way to the woods behind the house and into a small clearing not too far in, but not too close to the edge. He stopped and turned to face me.

'This is where Thalia made the deal with me to have Honesty killed. I was weary at first because I did not know how everyone else would react to her death. I probably should have denied that deal request. We would not even be in this situation with Harley. Funny. Normally I can foresee the outcome, but this time I was unable to. Maybe it was God's will, you know? Maybe He wanted it. I could not really say. I just know if time travel were possible, I would go back in time and not make the deal. Like I said, he scares me, Angel, and Fiona.'

'Well, everything happens for a reason, right?'

He laughed, 'Right. Well, are you ready?'


He smirked, 'You may want to close your eyes and hold your breath.'

I did as I was told and Jett took ahold of my hand. I felt everything begin to spin faster and faster and faster and faster until it stopped. I opened my eyes and looked around. Pools of fire and lava surrounded us. Jett threw his sweatshirt at me.

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