Chapter 4: Aqua

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I groaned as I opened my eyes. Bright sunlight seeped in through the trees, momentarily blinding me. I blinked, suddenly away from the grass and moss underneath me. My flaming red hair was sprawled out behind me and my red eyes watered from the brightness of the light. Although I wore a white shirt under a black suit-like jacket, red scarf, red pleated skirt, black tights, and black boots, I still shivered when the wind blew.

Using my hands, I pushed myself up into a sitting position. The wind blew my hair behind me and I picked up the sound of footsteps. I looked in the direction of the footsteps and caught sight of a boy with black hair and green eyes. He was dressed in a white shirt under a black jacket, a black tie, black trousers, and black shoes. He stopped in front of me, holding his hand out in front of me. Smiling, I grabbed it and he helped me up.

'Fell asleep in the forest again, huh, Aqua?'

I rolled my eyes, 'Very funny, Kaden. You know that I am unable to stay at your house and my parents have been dead for how long? Twelve years now? The only safe place for me is in the woods.'

'Says you, but I have told you plenty of times, my parents want you to stay with us.'

'And I have told you that I am unable to. I cannot live in a house full of vampyres,' I sighed, crossing my arms.

'Why not? We love you. My parents love you.'

'But what I am cannot possibly be easy to live with. I am sure I was difficult for my parents for those six years they were alive for my life,' I shook my head, allowing my hair to fall in my face, 'I could never put that type of responsibility on you and your parents.'

He smiled, holding both my hands, 'Aqua, you are always welcome. I have helped out control your vampyre side. You have controlled your 'wolf side pretty well. And there really is not a need for you to control your zombie side per say. Darling, you are the most composed supernatural being there is. You have nothing to worry about.'

I scoffed, 'Yeah, and I can fight against my instincts when they come out. You and your parents have yet to witness me when they have. I always make sure that I am away from you when I feel like I am going to lose control.'

He frowned, 'I would much rather you live with us. There is going to be an outbreak of your kind soon. Although I have nothing against you, you do realise that the others are not going to be anything like you. They will be savage creatures that only act on instinct. You know that in general, I know you can take care of yourself, but with these savage beings, there is no guarantee of your safety.'

'Kaden, please-'

'I will make you a deal.'

That caught my attention, causing me to perk up a bit, 'What type of deal?'

'Well, you live here until the outbreak. Then you live with me and my family during the outbreak. Once it dies down and is less dangerous out in the wild, you and I can get a place of our own.'

I bit my lip, trying to see if the deal was worth it. Kaden has never been interested in us living together alone. He always changes the subject when I bring it up. The deal was tempting. I wanted us to live together since we were basically bonded for eternity. I just did not want to live with his family.

He claims that his parents love me. I, on the other hand, am not too sure about that. Sure, they always treat me kindly when I visit, but that is about it. They never seemed to care for me much. Rather than wanting me to stay, they always seemed to want me gone, just because I am a hybrid. Many pureblooded vampyres do not like hybrids.


I sighed, exasperated, 'I accept.'

He smirked, 'I knew you would be unable to resist the deal.'

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