Chapter 13: Ricky

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The look on Sav's face was one of pure horror. I had no idea what she was told. I just knew that it shocked her into a state of fear. Fiona was frowning and looking down, which told me she was the one who was talking to Sav. Angel was busy talking to Harley and Honesty, so he was unaware of what was going on.

I leaned over closer to Sav, 'You alright?'

She nodded, 'Fine. Why do you ask?'

'You seem terrified.'

She shook her head, 'The world is a corrupt place. People you would never guess to be corrupt turn around and surprise you with it. Those are the most evil and worst type of people. They make you believe that they are kind and good people and then they just... I cannot believe this. How? How are they, of all people, so corrupt? I thought that they were the good guys in this. I never would have guessed that they would turn around and be so manipulative behind our backs.'


'Thalia and Benjamin.'

'What did they do?'

She shook her head again, 'I have no desire to discuss this now. Maybe later. Maybe.'



'Could you tell me what they did?'

Her eyes shifted, uncomfortably, 'Give me your phone.'


'Just do it if you want to know,' she hissed, venom lacing her voice.

I handed her my phone after unlocking it for her. She pulled up the notes app and began typing something out. Once she was done, she handed it back to me and I scanned over what it read. My eyes widened in shock about this revelation.

Basically, Thalia had made a deal with Angel years ago and instead of taking her soul, he wanted Honesty. Thalia obliged and now she made a deal with Angel and Fiona's brother, Jett, to kill Honesty so she is not taken as payment.

'That is just fucked up,' I muttered as I deleted what she wrote.

'What is?' Honesty inquired, looking over at us.

'Oh. Nothing. Just something I read online. Messed up shit going on in the world. The usual.'

She nodded, unconvinced about my answer. I did not blame her. Not even the most naive person in the world would have believed me. Fortunately, she was not one to question more than once if not told, so she did not press the matter. She turned her attention to her phone, probably on her Kindle app to read.

'We have to stop her death,' Sav whispered.

'But how? Demons are more powerful than us. They will be able to kill her before we even have a chance to try to attack. We have no way to stop them.'

'You two are dumb,' Fiona stated, rolling her eyes.


She laughed, 'He is not killing her himself. That would be the ultimate betrayal of family. He is having another do it.'

'What is he getting for payment?'

'Nothing. He told Thalia he would do it for free. Just for her.'

'Bullshit. Nothing is ever for free.'

Fiona shrugged, 'Believe what you want.'

Fiona froze, staring off into space. Sav and I exchanged nervous glances, but she soon came to. When she did, she muttered something under her breath before disappearing.

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