Chapter 3: Savannah

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I sighed, resting my head on my hand. This is the most boring class in the world. I like the subject, but the teacher just droned on and on. He had the most monotonous voice I had ever heard. History is one of my favourite subjects, but the professor never put emotion into his words, making me zone out more than I should.

'I want you to look at the documents. These will help you write your essay. Make sure to write notes in the margins about what they represent.'

I sighed and turned to the person I was supposed to be working with, Will Mates. He was a couple centimetres taller than me with auburn hair and amber-green eyes. He was wearing the school football jersey, blue jeans, and white trainers. I mentally rolled my eyes. I hated working with him, but when teachers assign partners you have little choice in the matter.

I opened my packet of documents, looking away from my partner. I began jotting notes down in the margins and under the documents. I made sure to put what they represented and other information that could be used in the same paragraph when we write these.

'Hey, we are supposed to work together, Paisly,' Will complained.

I smiled, 'Well, if you actually knew what the Hell was going on half the time in this class, I might have actually worked with you. However, since you are constantly texting your girlfriend, you have no idea what we have learned, have you?'

He froze and did not bother answering. Smirking, I went back to writing notes down. Once I finished taking them down, I began planning the essay. I separated the topic into smaller subtopics and began filling in the documents where they fit and the other information.

'Um, Savannah?'

My eyes shot up and went in the direction of the voice. Will had a defeated look on his face. I looked at his papers and they had everything he wrote down erased. I looked back at him and his eyes showed distress. He bit his lip before speaking.

'Can you help? I really want to get a good grade on this paper, and you probably have the best notes. I know I deserve to get a bad grade for not paying attention, but if I fail this, I am kicked off the football team.'

'Pity,' I responded, raising my eyebrows and returning to my work.

'Sav, please.'

I tensed for several reasons. First of all, Will Mates never, never called me Sav. It was rare enough for him to call me Savannah instead of my surname. However, Sav was a new one. Secondly, Will Mates never begged. He was on the verge of begging and I thought it was hilarious. Third, I had never seen him look so worried.

I knew he was a decent student, it was just that this class is boring. Though, that is not a reason to just text your significant other during class. I debated with myself for a while before coming to a decision. I was not sure if it was a good choice, but I stuck with it. I moved my chair closer to him and began writing on his paper.


After two seventy minute classes, one ten minute break, one twenty-five minute break, and about twenty-five minutes of my third class, I headed to lunch. I walked with Honesty, who was in my pre-calc class. We were reviewing for a quiz, so I had not had the time to tell her what happened in History today with Will.


'What, Sav?'

'You will never guess what happened during history.'

''Your partner actually wanted you to help him,' she stated nonchalantly.

'How did you know?'

She smirked, 'The story is going around school. Axel Rogers in my science class told me while we worked on our lab.'

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