Chapter 9: Honesty

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I removed the necklace and placed it on the table next to me. The stone transformed into the gargoyle. He hopped off of the table and onto my lap before curling up into a ball. I smiled down at him.

'Honesty, are you feeling alright?'

I glanced up at Harley, 'Fine.'

He groaned, 'That does not sound very convincing.'

I sighed, 'Harley, think about this. I have a child inside of me. How do you think I feel?'

He laughed, 'Well, I would hope you would be happy.'

'Yes, and worried.'


'This world sucks, Harley. Who would want a child to grow up in a world like this?'

He nodded, 'I mean, you have a point. It is exciting though.'

I nodded in response. The gargoyle, A., looked at me. He seemed to be smiling, but I could not really tell.



'You... you remind me of someone. Not just appearance, but aura.'

I smiled down at him, 'Who do I remind you of?'

'My sister. She died a long time ago, but you remind me of her. She was very cautious of the world, untrusting really. Skeptical even. She was also protective of those she loved.'

'What was her name?'

'Ashy... Ash... Ashton.'

'What... What was your name before you became a gargoyle?'

'Ailaro. Ailaro White.'

'If you do not mind my prying, how did you die? You seem so young.'

The gargoyle... er Ailaro... seemed to whimper. I began petting him in an attempt to calm him down. I began to whisper to help. I was telling him that if it was that bad, he need not tell me. After a while, he seemed to calm down enough.

'I do not want to tell you. However, I can show you.'

I nodded as the scene changed. I could still feel the chair from the RV, but the view changed. I was outside, but it looked like a hologram. It was a clearing in the woods.

There was a girl with faded red hair. She was on the ground, sobbing. A boy across the clearing looked as if he wanted to comfort the girl. He had pale blonde hair and a pale complexion. There were other people too, but they seemed blurry, so I was unable to see any traits.

My gaze drifted away from the boy. It made its way to a smaller boy in the hands of a man. The boy had light blonde hair and bright blue eyes that were devoid of emotion. A gun was pressed to his head, yet he did not look scared. I almost cried out when I saw who it was, ready to kill the boy.

'He is my uncle.' I heard in my head, 'He is the only one in the family not a born vampyre. He did experiments to make him one though.'

I felt the tears beginning to form. The poor child was killed by his uncle. The poor child had that awful man as his uncle. A gunshot rang out and Ailaro's body fell to the ground as the man left.

The older boy I saw before ran over to the girl. The girl, I assumed, was Ashton. She was sobbing and I did not blame her. If it was my brother, I would be crying too.

The scene changed again, going back to the inside of the RV. Harley was staring at me, concern written all over his face. My face was tear stained from what I had witnessed.

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